parcelforce отслеживание по трек номеру

Parcelforce Worldwide отслеживание отправлений

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Parcelforce Worldwide отслеживание почтовых отправлений по трек-номеру

Parcelforce имеет 25-летнюю историю как часть Royal Mail Group. В 1986 году Royal Mail создала отдельную функцию экспресс-посылок как одна из основ бизнеса. В 1990 году Royal Mail Parcels была переименована в Parcelforce, с крупными инвестициями в инфраструктуру, онлайн-отслеживание и строительство внутренних и международных сортировочных центров. Затем в 1998 году бизнес был переименован в Parcelforce Worldwide.

Система сбора и доставки с 54 складами по всей Великобритании, которые обслуживают три высокоавтоматизированных центра отслеживания и сортировки.

Parcelforce Worldwide предлагает широкий выбор удобных вариантов доставки, включая доставку в более чем 11 000 местных отделений почтового отделения, если получатели знают, что не могут быть дома, чтобы получить свои посылки.

Parcelforce Worldwide предлагает следующие услуги:

Интеграция Parcelforce Worldwide API отслеживания

TrackRu предоставляет удобное, индивидуальное решение для отслеживания, предоставляет API интерфейс с более 600 служб доставки, в том числе API Parcelforce Worldwide отслеживание. Добавьте функции отслеживания отправлений на ваш сайт, подключаясь к API отслеживания, клиентам больше не нужно покидать сайт портала для отслеживания своих заказов. Им просто нужно ввести номер заказа, а информация о доставке отображается на одной странице. вы сможете получать: — текущий статус по всем вашим отправлениям — управление заказами через API — детальную историю перемещений одного отправления или целой партии

Если вы находитесь в России и ожидаете посылку Parcelforce Worldwide вы можете отслеживать посылку на странице «Почта России отслеживание».


Отслеживание посылок экспресс-почты Великобритании Parcelforce Worldwide

Служба Parcelforce Worldwide является дочерней компанией британского почтового оператора Royal Mail. Экспресс-почта Великобритании осуществляет доставку в пункты назначения по всему миру, используя для этого международную партнерскую сеть. Отслеживание посылок данной службы предоставляется с момента отправки, вплоть до получения ее адресатом.

Данная служба является довольно молодой и насчитывает лишь 30-летнюю историю. В 1986 году Королевская почта была поделена на три подразделения, одно из которых в 1990 году было переименовано в Parcelforce.

Экспресс-почта Великобритании располагает двумя хабами, расположенными неподалеку от аэропорта. Один из них предназначен лишь для посылок Соединенного Королевства, другой для международных отправлений. Автоматизированный центр отслеживания и сортировки занимает площадь в 24 тыс. квадратных метров и способен обрабатывать до 58 000 посылок в час.

Компания входит в состав международного кооператива EMS, и специализируется, в основном, на экспресс-доставке отправлений весом от 2 кг.

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Отслеживание посылок Parcelforce

Отследить посылку данной службы довольно легко, так как всем отправлениям присваивается трек номер, который позволяет проверить статус отправления на всем пути следования, вплоть до получения посылки.

Для того, чтобы отследить посылку необходимо посетить официальный сайт Parcelforce Worldwide. Панель ввода номера отслеживания располагается в самом низу окна (не страницы). В специальное окно следует ввести трек номер и нажать на “Track”. Зарегистрированным пользователям предоставляется возможность просмотра статусов посылок, трек номер которых ранее был введен в поиск, а также более расширенная информация. В случае возникновения проблем с отлеживанием посылки можно позвонить по телефону или написать сообщение в Службу поддержки клиентов.

Отследить посылку можно также с помощью сервиса ParcelTrack. Трекер определяет почтовые службы и предоставляет всю доступную информацию об отправлении. С помощью сервиса можно отслеживать сразу несколько посылок различных служб доставки. Для этого достаточно ввести трек номера в специальное окно, в сервис автоматически определит компанию-перевозчика каждого отправления и предоставит информацию о статусах посылок.

Формат трек-номеров

Как и любым другим экспресс-отправлениям, компания экспресс-почты Великобритании всем своим посылкам присваивает индивидуальный номер для отслеживания. Они могут быть различных форматов и отличаются количеством символов: 9, 11, 13, 14, 16 или 21 символ.

Наиболее часто встречающимися являются трек номера с 9 и 13 символами:




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Срок доставки посылок экспресс-почты Великобритании

Являясь службой экспресс-доставки, компания Parcelforce страется доставлять посылки и доверенные ей грузы как можно скорее. Но конечный срок доставки будет зависеть от удаленности места назначения, второстепенных факторов и, конечно, выбранного варианта доставки.

Так, в зависимости от выбранного типа доставки посылка может дойти до своего получателя как на следующий день, так и через месяц в случае бюджетного отправления.

Основные виды доставки и срок доставки

Особенности доставки Parcelforce Worldwide

Экспресс-почта Великобритании устанавливает особые условия в зависимости от страны назначения, вплоть до определенного города. Так данная компания не может доставлять любые виды посылок в 44 “закрытых” города России.

Помимо этого действуют особые условия для ряда городов России по отношению к стоимости отправления и его весу:

· Для Москвы максимальная стоимость посылки составляет 100 долларов, весом не более 25 кг;

· В Санкт-Петербург может быть доставлено отправление весом до 68 кг и максимальной стоимостью 50 тыс долларов;

· В остальные города России устанавливается ограничение в 20 кг и 75 долларов.


Отслеживание Parcelforce

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Отслеживание посылок Parcelforce

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Отслеживайте посылки Parcelforce

Вот шаги, как отслеживать ваши посылки Parcelforce:

Как выглядят номера отслеживания Parcelforce?

Номера отслеживания Parcelforce можно резюмировать следующим образом:

(# = Буква / * = цифра /! = Цифра или буква)

Сроки доставки Parcelforce

Доставка в Великобританию обычно осуществляется с 7:00 до 18:00 с понедельника по пятницу, в зависимости от выбранной услуги. Доставка обычно между 7:00 и 13:00. Для получения дополнительной информации клиенты учетной записи могут просмотреть нашу страницу «Общие сведения о ценах на счета в Великобритании».

Международная доставка осуществляется в стандартные рабочие часы, которые могут варьироваться от страны к стране.

Где моя посылка?

Наша система отслеживания сообщит вам, где находится ваша посылка, все, что вам нужно, это номер отслеживания. Отслеживайте свою посылку через нашу платформу отслеживания посылок, чтобы узнать, где находится посылка. Если вам нужна дополнительная помощь, свяжитесь с Parcelforce напрямую через их веб-сайт. ссылка на их веб-сайт находится в верхней части этой страницы.

Parcelforce будет хранить вашу посылку в течение 20 дней, после чего она будет возвращена отправителю.

У меня нет времени на получение посылки, что делать?

Вы можете связаться с Parcelforce, чтобы узнать о вариантах повторной доставки, чтобы ваш сосед мог получить посылку для вас, или они могут оставить посылку для вас до следующего дня, или они могут отвезти ее в местное отделение почтового отделения.

Международная доставка посылок Parcelforce

Parcelforce имеет множество служб доставки международных посылок, и это все:

Сервис GlobalExpress

— это международная служба экспресс-почты, которая поддерживает онлайн-отслеживание, и ее можно доставить в следующие рабочие дни, а цена на эту услугу начинается с 36,25 фунтов стерлингов.

Ирландия Экспресс-сервис

Сервис GlobalPriority

— это международная почтовая служба, поддерживающая онлайн-отслеживание, и доставка начнется в течение следующих 3 дней после получения посылки сотрудниками Parcelforce.

Сервис GlobalValue

Цена на эту услугу начинается с 9,78 фунтов стерлингов, а время доставки обычно составляет 5-8 дней.

Служба глобальной экономики

Это экономичная услуга. Цены начинаются с 24,70 фунтов стерлингов, а время доставки обычно составляет 24-46 дней в любую точку мира.


Более 150 почтовых и курьерских служб

ParselForce производит доставку посылочной корреспонденции по территории Объединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии, а так же доставку международной посылочной корреспонденции, отправленной из данных стран.

Помимо этого ParcelForce входит в кооператив EMS и отвечает за доставку EMS отправлений.

Основное направление работы ParcelForce экспресс-доставка именно посылочной корреспонденции весом более 2 килограмм.

Parcel Force (EMS):

В ParcelForce существует два вида запретов и ограничений.

1. Ограничения по размерам и весу международных почтовых отправлений (необходимо выбрать страну получателя).


Международные почтовые отправления, отправляемые через ParcelForce регистрируются почтовой службой и им присваивается международный номер для отслеживания в формате UPU (Всемирного Почтового Союза) (стандарт S10).

Формат номера для отслеживания ParcelForce выглядит следующим образом:


Следует иметь ввиду, что по трек-номеру МПО невозможно определить страну получателя. Данная возможность в принципе не предусмотрена в структуре трек-номера.

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В поле для ввода номера введите ваш 13-ти значный номер для отслеживания и нажмите кнопку Track для отображения результата.

В стране получения отслеживание необходимо производить на сайте национального EMS оператора.



Parcelforce is one of the UK’s main courier and logistics services, delivering tens of millions of parcels all over the world each year. It is primarily used for business and commercial purposes, with businesses finding it more cost effective and efficient to send stock and consignments to trade customers and other companies via the Parcelforce delivery service, though in recent years the number of individuals opting to use Parcelforce to fulfil their delivery needs has increased significantly.

Parcelforce – Live Tracking, Track and Trace Service

A tracking number is provided to the seller once a consignment has been confirmed, and the number can then be used to track the package through its journey. Both the sender and the recipient are able to follow its progress through entering the code into the Parcelforce online Track and Trace system.

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Parcelforce Tracking – Copyrights by Parcelforce

Once delivery has been successful, the tracking details will indicate the time and location of delivery, along with showing a viewable electronic signature taken on delivery. This ensures that the sender is fully protected and that any false claims regarding non-receipt cannot be made. Anyone can access the tracking information if provided with the long number, so selling websites such as eBay will accept it as proof of posting and delivery.

There is no way of tracking a parcel without the number, so keeping it safe is essential. Every package sent within the UK through Parcelforce can be tracked, as can most international shipments with the exception of those sent using the globalvalue or globaleconomy services. Some packages sent to countries that do not have sufficient tracing infrastructure are not able to be tracked by non-account members online, with very limited information provided to account members using gloalexpress. Countries exempt from tracking include Bangladesh, Central African Republic, Congo, Gabon and the Falkland Island. A full list with further details on parcel tracking by country is available on their website.

Parcels are delivered until 5.30pm Monday to Friday, with Saturday deliveries only taking place when the customer has paid additional costs for it. A redelivery service is available for missed deliveries, where the recipient can arrange for safe delivery of their package to be attempted a further three times before being sent back to the depot, where they can collect it in person with appropriate identification.

Parcelforce Worldwide is not liable for any consignment that is delivered to the delivery address or other address, nor in cases where a person misrepresents themselves as the recipient, or when they have fully adhered to the instructions given on the instructions form filled out by the sender or recipient.

Parcelforce – Company profile

The company is part of the Royal Mail Group, and was founded in 1990 when the Royal Mail was divided into three different sections, with Royal Mail Parcels being re-branded as Parcelforce. It experienced quick and considerable growth, before long becoming one of the world’s most respected and reputable names within the postal service industry. In 2002, it became its own company and began to focus on express and timed delivery services, leaving the universal parcel service in the hands of the Royal Mail in order to do so. Parcelforce Worldwide has experienced continued growth since, with two huge hubs in the UK which process around 58,000 parcels on an hourly basis, totalling 40 million in an average year, as well as 53 local depots. At the end of 2012 it was announced that, following a £75 million investment from the Royal Mail Group, Parcelforce would be opening three new processing centres across the country, further strengthening the brand and enhancing the services on offer.

Parcelforce Worldwide now has over 30,000 of its own customers in the UK, and their special deals and discounts for businesses, along with the reliable express services available, make them one of the go-to delivery companies for those in the commercial sector. It was awarded several times for its service, including the Institute of Transport Management’s Best International Parcel Carrier 2012 award.

Despite dividing from the company in terms of services, it is still part of the Royal Mail Group Ltd, which has an annual turnover of £8.4 billion. Parcelforce also holds a strong position in the UK’s top five express carrier businesses, a highly competitive industry. It has access to the world’s largest delivery network covering 240 countries and territories worldwide, meaning that it is able to deliver to 99.6% of the world’s population. It works with several partners to ensure efficient and reliable coverage in Europe and the rest of the world, including GLS, a road-based European network that specialises in guaranteeing delivery on specific days, the Express Mail Service (EMS), who enable them to take their services all over the world and support their global priority service, as well as E Parcel Group (EPG), who also deal with day certain European deliveries.

Parcelforce online shop and parcel shipment prices

UK and International parcel services can be arranged and paid for online via the Parcelforce website. This is a quick process, especially for existing account holders. Before purchasing services, the sender needs to have some information handy, for example the dimensions, weight and contents of the parcel they are sending, whether they require the parcel to be collected or if they would prefer to drop it off at one of the listed depots, and whether the recipient would prefer to have the package delivered to them directly, or to their local depot or branch where they can collect it on a date that is convenient for them and at their preferred time.

For domestic shipments within the UK, timed next day, next day and 2 day services can be purchased online, and for international parcels sent worldwide, express, priority and economy options are available. Payment can be made by credit or debit card, with Visa, American Express, Delta and MasterCard accepted, or by entering the meter impression number of a company’s franking machine.

Parcelforce’s UK and international delivery prices change regularly. As of March 2014, the prices are as follows.

Zones 1, 2 & 3 – United Kingdom
(Zone 1 – England, Wales & parts of Scotland; Zone 2 and 3 – Highlands & Islands of Scotland)
express9up to 2kg£34.57up to 15kg£43.86up to 30kg£61.06
express10up to 2kg£26.24up to 15kg£35.53up to 30kg£52.73
expressAMup to 2kg£17.91up to 15kg£27.20up to 30kg£44.40
express24up to 2kg£13.74up to 15kg£23.03up to 30kg£40.23
express24up to 2kg£9.99up to 15kg£19.28up to 30kg£36.48

Additional weight is charged at £1.25 per kg for all services.

Zone 4 – Channel Islands
globalexpressup to 2kg£59.15up to 30kg£189.75
globalpriorityup to 2kg£37.35up to 30kg£55.35
globalvalueup to 2kg£12.80up to 30kg£33.60

Addresses in the Channel Islands are classified as international destinations by Parcelforce Worldwide. Additional weight is charged at £2.30 per 0.5kg for global express, and 0.25p per 0.5kg for globalpriority and global value services.

Zone 5 – Republic of Ireland
globalexpressup to 2kg£45.55up to 30kg£137.55
globalpriorityup to 2kg£32.00up to 30kg£79.10
globalvalueup to 2kg£20.35up to 30kg£65.05
irelandexpressup to 2kg£13.74up to 30kg£40.23

Additional weight is charged at £1.40 per 0.5kg for global express, 0.55p per 0.5kg for globalpriority and global value, and £1.25 for irelandexpress services.

Zone 6 – Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg
globalexpressup to 2kg£45.15up to 30kg£135.65
globalpriorityup to 2kg£30.95up to 30kg£80.85
globalvalueup to 2kg£24.10up to 30kg£66.60

Additional weight is charged at £1.40 per 0.5kg for global express and 0.55p per 0.5kg for globalpriority and global value services.

Zone 7 – France, Germany & Denmark
globalexpressup to 2kg£45.50up to 30kg£160.40
globalpriorityup to 2kg£34.35up to 30kg£85.45
globalvalueup to 2kg£16.95up to 30kg£67.25

Additional weight is charged at £1.65 per 0.5kg for global express and 0.55p per 0.5kg for globalpriority and global value services.

Zone 8 – Italy, Spain, Portugal & Greece
globalexpressup to 2kg£48.90up to 30kg£181.40
globalpriorityup to 2kg£36.90up to 30kg£99.80
globalvalueup to 2kg£27.05up to 30kg£72.55

Additional weight is charged at £2.25 per 0.5kg for global express and 0.55p per 0.5kg for globalpriority and global value services.

Zone 9 – Rest of Europe (EU)
globalexpressup to 2kg£54.70up to 30kg£251.20
globalpriorityup to 2kg£43.10up to 30kg£108.50
globalvalueup to 2kg£30.45up to 30kg£104.05

Additional weight is charged at £3.05 per 0.5kg for global express, 0.95p per 0.5kg for globalpriority and £1.00 for global value services.

Zone 9 – Rest of Europe (non EU)
globalexpressup to 2kg£65.64up to 30kg£301.44
globalpriorityup to 2kg£51.72up to 30kg£130.20
globalvalueup to 2kg£36.54up to 30kg£124.86

Additional weight is charged at £3.66 per 0.5kg for global express, £1.14 per 0.5kg for globalpriority and £1.20 for global value services.

Zone 10 – USA & Canada
globalexpressup to 2kg£66.70up to 30kg£256.10
globalpriorityup to 2kg£59.33up to 30kg£204.23
globalvalueup to 2kg£34.75up to 30kg£196.25
globaleconomyup to 2kg£34.20up to 30kg£187.20

Additional weight is charged at £3.10 per 0.5kg for global express, £2.30 per 0.5kg for globalpriority, £2.15 for global value and £2.35 for globaleconomy services.

Zone 11 – Far East & Australasia
globalexpressup to 2kg£82.40up to 30kg£360.50
globalpriorityup to 2kg£69.03up to 30kg£270.33
globalvalueup to 2kg£53.25up to 30kg£265.65
globaleconomyup to 2kg£48.90up to 30kg£256.30

Additional weight is charged at £4.95 per 0.5kg for global express, £3.45 per 0.5kg for globalpriority, £3.30 for global value and £3.20 for globaleconomy services.

Zone 12 – Rest of the World
globalexpressup to 2kg£97.60up to 30kg£469.80
globalpriorityup to 2kg£79.45up to 30kg£372.75
globalvalueup to 2kg£56.35up to 30kg£345.15
globaleconomyup to 2kg£52.50up to 30kg£307.60

Additional weight is charged at £6.60 per 0.5kg for global express, £4.95 per 0.5kg for globalpriority, £4.45 for global value and £3.85 for globaleconomy services.

Compensation rates available for loss or damage

Additional compensation of up to £2,500 is available, priced at £1.80 (including VAT) for the first additional £100 cover and £4.50 (including VAT) for every subsequent £100 cover on express9, 10 AM, express24, express48 and BFPO Worldwide, globalexpress, irelandexpress, globalpriority and globalvalue services. The maximum compensation available for globalvalue is £500, and no compensation is included, nor can it be purchased, for globaleconomy consignments.

Saturday deliveries

Saturday deliveries are only available within Zones 1, 2 and 3 in the UK, and can be requested on express9, express10, expressAM, express24 and express48 services for an additional £7.50 (excluding VAT).

Parcelforce Depots & Parcelforce Depot Finder

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Parcelforce Post Code Finder – Copyrights by Parcelforce

Parcelforce runs its collection and delivery services using 53 strategically located depots, where customers that have missed deliveries can go to deliver packages to save waiting for a delivery driver to come and collect if from their residential address or business premises, collect their packages or make enquiries in person. Depot locations include Aberdeen, Aldershot, Cambridge, Exeter, Birmingham, Belfast, Deeside, Coventry, Edinburgh, Leeds, Ipswich, Preston, Glasgow, Liverpool, Milton Keynes, Norwich, Poole, Nottingham, Romford, Stoke, Swansea, York, Medway, Newport, Oxford, Plymouth and Tonbridge. There are several depots located in London serving different regions, with a London Central Depot and London North West Depot.

To find the nearest depot, customers can utilise the depot finder by entering either the beginning or their full postcode. On submitting the postcode data, the nearest depot address, contact number and full opening hours will be available along with a useful map detailing its exact location, giving precise distance from the specified postcode, and giving an approximate time of how long it will take to get there.

Parcelforce Worldwide Parcel Shipment

With the help of their business partners, Parcelforce are now able to offer their services and deliver across the globe, with next day services to most destinations available through globalexpress. Customers can look up delivery speed estimates for specific countries in the Worldwide Directory, a particularly useful service for those sending urgent packages abroad.

Parcelforce National Hub

The Parcelforce national hub, which acts as a highly efficient tracking and sorting centre, is located in the Midlands, where it handles national parcels delivered via the 53 Parcelforce depots located all over the UK.

The quarter of a mile long, high performance hub, formally referred to as The National Centre, is equipped with the automated technology and expertly trained workforce to process up to 58,500 parcels per hour, with in excess of 35 million being processed on a yearly basis. At the busiest times, the staff take-on a fully loaded delivery vehicle every 45 seconds.

Parcelforce Claims, Compensation & Refunds

Parcelforce offer many compensation, refunds and claim opportunities when they fail to provide their usual service, damage or lose items or packages in transit, or if customers are in any way dissatisfied with the level of service they have received. A certain degree of compensation is included in the initial cost of the parcel service, and enhanced compensation, which covers more expensive goods and provides added protection and security, is offered at an additional cost.

Inclusive compensation

With the exception of their global economy shipping option, all of Parcelforce’s delivery services come with compensation included, which entitles the customer to claim a certain amount of money in the event that a parcel is lost or subject to damage during transit. It should be noted that only the actual cost of the parcel and its contents can be reimbursed via claims made through inclusive compensation, and that indirect or consequential loss and costs encountered as a result of the loss or damage, such as extra labour or lost profits, are not covered.

£200 of compensation per consignment is automatically included in the price paid for express9, express10, expressAM, irelandexpress and globalexpress services, £100 for express24, express48 (non account only), express48large (non account only), europrioritybusiness, europriorityhome, globalpriorityreturn (account only), globalpriority, globalvalue (non account only), expresscollect, £50 for express48 (account only), express48large (account only) and globalvalue (account only), and £25 per parcel for globalbulkdirect.

Enhanced compensation

Additional compensation can be taken out at the time of sending packages at extra cost to the customer. This is a popular option for businesses who are using the company to send valuable stock and need that extra bit of reassurance, as well as individual customers who are sending expensive gifts and items. Enhanced compensation covers up to £2,500 on packages lost or damaged, regardless of how much the item in question is valued at. Compensation granted via the enhanced compensation guarantee will depend on several factors, for example how much damage has been done, existing wear and tear and the perceived value of the item. The eventual amount will be determined by the lowest cost or sale price, and in many cases items will be replaced by an independent agent employed by Parcelforce rather than the customer being given a cash reimbursement.

General customers are able to purchase cover for ad hoc consignments, while account customers have access to a compensation service that covers their entire contract, paying a small additional cost per extra consignment. Account customers have the choice of five levels of compensation, with the additional cost rising with the compensation amount. Level 1 compensation, covering up to £500, is £4 +VAT, and Level 5 compensation, covering up to £2,500, is £20 + VAT.

For non account customers, additional compensation is priced at £1.80 including VAT for the first extra £100 cover and £4.50 including VAT for every subsequent £100, and covers express9, express10, expressAM, express24, express48, express48large, globalexpress, irelandexpress, globalpriority, globalvalue and HM Forces – BFPO services.

Refunds for late delivery

Full of partial refunds are granted when the company fails to deliver a parcel in the time promised, with 100% being refunded on express9, express10, expressAM, irelandexpress and globalexpress services, 50% on express24 services and 25% on express48, express48large and globalpriority services. Refunds are not granted for late HM Forces, globalvalue, globaleconomy deliveries.

Terms and conditions illustrating where these refund guarantees do not apply are set out in their delivery speed guarantee exceptions.

Making a claim

Claims must be received within 30 days of dispatch to qualify for compensation. All the documentation relating to the parcel is required to make a claim, and in cases where damage has occurred, the packaging material in question must be presented so that it can be inspected by a member of the claims staff.

Claims can be made online, or by filling in the downloadable paper Customer Claims Form and posting it to: Parcelforce Worldwide Claims Centre
PO Box 491

Goods excluded from claims

Several items are excluded from claims against loss or damage, and customers should be aware of these before sending anything via Parcelforce services. Excluded items include dangerous, prohibited or restricted goods (where customers do not comply with the relevant terms and conditions), or goods breaching sanctions, such as money, antiques that are over 100 years old, watches and diamonds. Fragile items, such as furniture, cakes, televisions, glassware, vehicle parts and computer monitors, qualify for loss only, and are otherwise sent at the risk of the customer.


To qualify for the compensation, customers must ensure that packages are adequately packaged on sending, so that it falls in accordance with the guidelines set out by Parcelforce. These guidelines include instructions on wrapping, sealing and securing the package itself, as well as strict rules on clear labelling and correct documentation on the box in order for it to be safely delivered to the recipient without confusion or difficulty. Packages that do not adhere to the guidelines are deemed to be the customer’s responsibility and no compensation will be granted should damage or loss occur.

Parcelforce express24 and express48 Services

express24 is the next day delivery service offered by Parcelforce, guaranteeing delivery within 24 hours of shipping a consignment.

express48 is Parcelforce’s 48 hour parcel delivery service available for shipments within the UK. This special service is second fast that is available and comes with tracking48 service. You can track this parcel always online, to find its current location. Tracking48 is not a particular option as such and refers to the tracking abilities of the express48 service.

Both services guarantees delivery within two working days and are fully trackable from the time the package is delivered and while it is in transit right up until delivery, where the delivery driver will obtain the recipients electronic signature before handing over the parcel. This signature will then be viewable to the sender for reassurance and tracking purposes.

There are various terms, requirements and limitations for using the express services, which customers must adhere to and should be aware of being purchasing. Individual parcels are limited to 30 kg, though there is no limit on how much an entire consignment sent using express48 could weigh. The maximum parcel length is 1.5 m, with limitations of 3 m maximum length and girth combined. £100 compensation is included in the price advertised, with a maximum of £2,500 extra compensation available at additional cost. If the package is not delivered within the promised 1 or 2 days, a 25% refund will be granted for express48, with 50% being refunded for express24. Saturday delivery is available, though at extra cost, which is charged per consignment.

For items exceeding the specified weight and dimensions, the express48large service is available. This gives an increased dimension allowance of 2.5 m in length and 5 m length and girth combined, and is particularly handy for businesses sending commercial consignments.

Parcelforce – Reward 4U Program

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Parcelforce Rewards – Copyrights by Parcelforce

Parcelforce runs frequent campaigns, where customers and endusers may register for a reward program. The Rewards 4U is the way Parcelforce would like to say thank you for using their worldwide services. Anyone, interested in the reward program, can simply sign up on the dedicated website for free. The programs include rebates on holidays and activities, such as Chessington World of Adventures. When signing up, users may choose

Parcelforce jobs and careers

Parcelforce have many jobs and secure long-term careers within the company available throughout the UK. Roles within the company are multi faceted and diverse, with many opportunities available to suit all kinds of skill-sets and abilities.

The company currently employs over 200,000 people, and has a strong customer focused ethos, with its dedicated workforce working together every day to meet targets and provide a truly competitive service that helps to maintain the company’s position as one of the market leaders. Parcelforce favour potential employees with proactive attitudes who are willing to put in additional work and effort and will thus fit in with the company’s philosophy and share the values of the existing staff.

Roles available within the company range from everything from parcel sorting, delivery drivers, hub operatives, customer service agents and sales, as well as higher up, more advanced roles within management and at headquarters. Collection and delivery driving is one of the most common and available roles, and as the company and its daily parcel load continues to grow, more and more delivery and collection staff are needed, each responsible for delivering around 100 parcels per day.

Their headquarters teams include human resources, finance and sales and marketing, where individuals with experience in similar roles and fields, or graduates looking to apply their knowledge and skills can thrive. Similarly, within management there are roles in different teams, such as hub management, operations management and customer service management, where staff play an integral part in the smooth running of other staff and the operations as a whole.

Applicants can apply for roles within the company via their online recruitment system. The company no longer accepts paper or written applications, doing everything digitally. Vacancies can be found on their website using the vacancy search, where interested applicants can search for available jobs according to location, distance from their current postcode, occupation type, contract type and position type, as well as searching for keywords to narrow it down. There really is something for all skill-sets and levels of expertise, with occupation types including administration, driving, engineers, graduate, HR, managerial, security, technology and IT, post-person and finance. Parcelforce often advertise roles within publications, and in these cases a reference number will be included in the ad, which can then be used to directly find the job online.

Training and development

Parcelforce ensure that all members of staff receive adequate training before starting their job, allowing them to perform to the best of their ability and provide a level of service that is in line with their usual standard. They evaluate the abilities and skillsets of each individual employee before putting in place a training plan to prepare them for their job. This isn’t all, though. Parcelforce consistently work to help their workforce develop over the course of their time with the company with a view towards promotions and going into higher roles within the company. Their development schemes include targeted programmes such as established management development schemes and customer service training leading to NVQ’s.


Along with a competitive rate of pay, several benefits are given to those employed by the company. The level of benefits depends on the individual’s role in the company, how long they have worked there and whether they work full or part time hours. Included in the Parcelforce Worldwide benefit package is annual paid holiday entitlement of four and a half weeks, as well as eight Bank Holidays. Shift and skills allowances are granted on several occasions, usually for overtime or for flexibility. They have a childcare voucher scheme to help make childcare more affordable and accessible for parents who have to work, performance related bonuses and the opportunity to join a pension scheme, to which they will make contributions. As well as these, employees can also expect to enjoy discounts and deals on leisure time and travel, as well as receiving special offers on Parcelforce and Royal Mail products.

Parcelforce are also increasingly focusing on healthcare benefits and working to improve and monitor the well being of their staff. They were recently awarded The National Example of Excellence for the UnumProvident Healthy Workplaces Award for their efforts.

Parcelforce contact

Parcelforce can be contacted by email or phone, and also have devised a FAQ section, which contains ready made answers to many of the queries customers frequently have.

7 Reviews on “ Parcelforce ”

Absolutlely useless. wast of time.
Employ a good programmer.

Hi I am having problems finding my box its been 1month and I still
didn’t received it. I am nit happy because I pay for the service to get it in one weeks time.
its coming from South Africa cape town to London.
MY TRACKING NO is cn019231791 is there any chance you can get back to me with any news about my box please.

Hello, we are from AVS GLOBE LOGISTICS LTD
We are looking for work with our vans
we have our vans and drivers
if you are interested, do not hesitate to call us
thank you

I has bought something from a hobby company in the US, Which USPS was delivering to me, but USPS tracking said it had been delivered when it clearly hasnt as i dont have it and my post offices dont have it, i want to inquire as to where my package is, order number LZ874159388US

We are awaiting a parcel.
The tracking service states that an attempt was made 21/12 to deliver.
No delivery came to our house, we were waiting and watching and no card was left.
Will you deliver?
The numbers we have are UH5862149 Item #191761758297
Sender Magar-Solutions 15726

you sent text too say my parcel would be delivered to day on the 14/10/2015 I am still waiting had a day off work and it’s still not arrived yet……why


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