в чем разница между homicide и murder
В чем разница между homicide и murder
Murder: intentionally killing someone
Ted Bundy murdered many women.
Manslaughter: accidentally killing someone.
He committed manslaughter when drunk driving.
Murder: intentionally killing someone
Ted Bundy murdered many women.
Manslaughter: accidentally killing someone.
He committed manslaughter when drunk driving.
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В чем разница между homicide и murder
Homicide and murder both give out the same meaning, to kill another.
«He was charged with homicide»
«the brutal murder of a German holidaymaker»
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В чем разница между homicide и murder
Well, they are synonyms, however, you’ll hear murder, homicide, and kill a lot more often than ‘slay’.
Murder: The act of killing someone. Ending one’s life.
Homicide: Basically the same thing as murder, so if someone said «He was charged with homicide,» It would be the same as «He was charged with murder,». ‘Homicide’ is also a police department where detectives look into murder cases.
Kill : To put an end to. Can be used when someone dies accidentally, «His dad was killed in a car crash,». ‘Kill’ can be used in sentences like «He killed her,» which would be the same as «He murdered her,» but kill is also used in sentences like «The tiger was moving in for the kill,». The reason it’s ‘to put an end to’ is because you might use kill in a phrase like «They were forced to kill the project,» Which is the same thing as «They were forced to shut down/end the project».
Slay: To kill. The term ‘slay’ is old-fashioned, so you might not hear it used a lot, but if there was sentence like «She was slain by the man,» it would be the same thing as «She was killed/murdered by the man,».
Difference Between Murder and Homicide
June 26, 2012 Posted by Admin
Murder vs Homicide
Homicide is a word that is increasingly being used in magazines, newspapers, and websites these days. This is, in fact, a word found in American English, and it refers to the act of killing of a human being just like murder does. This is really confusing for some as they find it difficult to choose the right word in a particular context. Many feel that homicide and murder are interchangeable. However, there are legal differences between the two concepts that become a basis for sentences for criminals in courts of law. This article intends to highlight these differences for the benefit of the readers.
Murder is not just an illegal act; it is considered a heinous crime because it is a preplanned killing of a human being by another human being. Murder is a crime that is premeditated knowing full well what one is going to do. This means that when a criminal has been charged with murder, he is not only convicted with the charge of a simple homicide but also the intent of killing an individual. It is this intent to kill that makes a murder such a heinous crime.
There is a classification in murders also with there being first degree, second degree, and finally there being third degree murders. This classification system takes into account the intent of the criminal as well as the circumstances and the gravity of the crime. When there is an intent and cruelty both involved in a murder, it is called a first degree murder. No premeditation but cruelty involved leads to second degree murder. The criminal act where a human being gets killed because someone harms another human being is treated as third degree murder or manslaughter.
The simple act of killing of a human being gets classified as homicide. It does not require the intent of the criminal to be taken into account, and the fact that a man has died because of the fault of another person is enough to refer the act as homicide. This means that homicide is a broad, generic concept that could mean the difference between a lifer and an acquittal without a sentence. An act of harming an individual in defense of oneself or a family member leading to his death classifies as homicide and not murder. When a person gets killed in line of duty of a law enforcement officer, he is not charged with murder but homicide.
There are three different types of homicides called justifiable, excusable, and criminal. Among these three, it is the criminal homicide that carries most severe punishment as the act is unjustifiable. Justifiable homicides are acts where a human being gets killed in self defense or when one is trying to defend another person.
What is the difference between Murder and Homicide?
• Murder is a crime bigger than homicide
• There is malicious intent, in addition to the act of killing a human being, in murder while homicide is the simple act of killing a human being
• A murder convict is not only convicted with homicide but also the intent to kill
• A murder is always illegal while killings in act of self defense and in line of duty come under homicide
• Homicide is a neutral term while murder has negative connotations
Убийство по-английски: в чем разница между Kill и Murder?
В английском языке есть несколько глаголов со значением «убить», несколько существительных «убийство» и «убийца». Разница между некоторыми из этих слов прописана в законе, в других случаях разница менее конкретна. Начнем с глаголов.
Kill или Murder? В чем разница
- to kill — этот глагол используется для обозначения убийства в наиболее общем смысле: это может быть умышленное или неумышленное убийство, гибель в результате несчастного случая, убийство человека или животного, убийство в переносном смысле слова.
She was killed in a car accident. — Она погибла в ДТП.
Stop complaining, you’re killing me! — Перестань жаловаться, ты меня убиваешь!
- to murder — убийство как аморальный, ужасный поступок. Обычно предумышленное убийство человека, возможно, животного.
- to assassinate — преднамеренное, часто заказное убийство очень важной персоны, обычно политика.
John Kennedy was assassinated on Friday, November 22, 1963. — Джон Кеннеди был убит в пятницу, 22 ноября 1963 года.
- to eliminate — в буквальном смысле eliminate значит «удалить, убрать что-то». Используется как своего рода нейтральный эвфемизм глагола «to kill», имеется в виду убийство, «устранение» человека, обычно врага на войне, вооруженного преступника, террориста. Схожим образом в русском языке, особенно в СМИ, используют слова «ликвидировать», «уничтожить».
Ten terrorists have been eliminated. — Было уничтожено десять террористов.
The gang leader was eliminated, one police officer was killed. — Ликвидирован лидер банды, убит один полицейский.
- to slay — устаревший, книжный глагол «убить». Встречается в сказках, легендах, различных рассказах о стародавних временах, также иногда употребляется в газетах как синоним «to murder».
Примечание: to slay — неправильный глагол, вот его формы: slay — slew — slain.
He was found slain in the park. — Он был найдет в парке убитым.
The village was slaughtered by the hostile army. — Деревня была вырезана вражеской армией.
Thousands of people were slaughtered in the war. — Тысячи людей были убиты на войне.
Murder, Homicide, Manslaughter, Assassination и другие синонимы убийства
В английском языке есть несколько слов со значением «убийство». Разница между некоторыми из них (homicide, murder, manslaughter) прописана в законе, по крайней мере, в США:
- Homicide — наиболее общее слово для обозначения убийства, в том числе непредумышленного, акт лишения человека жизни вообще. Гибель в несчастном случае не относится (если не было непредумышленного убийства, например, в ДТП). Также этим словом называют отдел убийств в полиции — Homicide Department.
He was arrested on charges of homicide by vehicle. — Он был арестован по обвинению в убийстве посредством транспортного средства.
They think his death was natural but I suppose it was homicide. — Они думают, что он умер по естественным причинам, но я полагаю, что это было убийство.
The murder of Mr. Blake is still unsolved. — Убийство мистера Блейка все еще не раскрыто.
There is always a murder in a detective story. — В детективной истории всегда есть убийство.
He was a victim of manslaughter. — Он был жертвой непредумышленного убийства.
- Assassination — заказное, как правило, политическое убийство, также убийство какого-то значимого лица, знаменитости.
This book is about Abraham Lincoln’s assassination. — Эта книга об убийстве Авраама Линкольна.
We still don’t know who was behing the assassination of the Prime Minister. — Мы все еще не знаем, кто стоял за убийством премьер-министра.
Убийца на английском: разница между Killer, Murderer, Hitman, Assassin
- Killer — убийца в наиболее общем смысле. Человек, совершивший убийство человека или животного, предумышленное или нет.
The killer is still not caught. — Убийца еще не пойман.
- Murderer — человек, совершивший предумышленное убийство человека.
The murderer is the gardener. — Убийца — садовник.
Sarah’s murderer was sentenced to the death penalty. — Убийца Сары был приговорен к смертной казни.
- Assassin — профессиональный наемный убийца, в особенности высокопоставленных личностей (например, политиков), также человек, «прославившийся» убийством таких персон.
The assassin of the minister did not seem to be a violent man. — Убийца министра не выглядел жестоким человеком.
- Hitman — наемный убийца, как правило, в криминальном мире, в т. ч. «штатный» убийца, постоянно работающий на криминальную организацию.
In the film, Leon, a professional hitman, saves twelve-years-old Mathilda, after her family is murdered. — В фильме Леон, профессиональный убийца, спасает двенадцатилетнюю Матильду после того, как ее семья была убита.
He hired a contract killer to get rid of his competitor. — Он нанял наемного убийцу, чтобы избавиться от конкурента.