в чем разница между creek и brook
В чем разница между creek и brook
a Brook is shallow and smaller than the creek.
a creek is deep and medium sized.
she dipped her toes into the brook.
the couple are their lunch next to the creek.
the children swam in the creek behind the barn.
the dogs ran through the brook as they chased the fox.
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Difference Between Brook and Creek
January 9, 2019 Posted by Hasa
The key difference between brook and creek is their size and depth. Brooks are typically smaller and shallower than creeks.
Brooks and creeks are two types of streams or moving bodies of water, which are usually smaller than rivers. Although many people assume that these two words are synonyms, there is a distinct difference between brook and creek.
What is a Brook?
A brook refers to a small stream. It is shallower and smaller than rivers and creeks. It is possible to wade through a brook easily due to this shallowness.
Figure 01: Wyming Brook
Furthermore, brooks are usually tributary of a river; however, this may not always be the case. Brooks may also be fed by a spring or seep as well.
What is a Creek?
In the US, Australia and New Zealand, creek refers to a small to medium sized stream, which is typically smaller than a river. However, creeks are usually larger than brooks. It is also possible to navigate some creeks by motor crafts.
Figure 02: Taylor-Massey Creek
In the United Kingdom and India, a creek refers to a tidal inlet, usually in a mangrove swamp or in a salt marsh; for example, port Creek, which separates Portsea Island from the mainland.
What are Similarities Between Brook and Creek
What is the Difference Between Brook and Creek?
A creek is a small to medium sized stream, which is typically smaller than a river whereas a brook is a small stream. Therefore, this is the key difference between brook and creek. Another major difference between brook and creek is their shallowness; a brook is shallower than a creek and can be easily forded. Furthermore, their size also makes a difference between brook and creek; a creek is larger than a brook but smaller than a river.
Summary – Brook vs Creek
Both brooks and creeks are moving bodies of water. The key difference between brook and creek is their size and depth. Brooks are typically smaller and shallower than creeks.
Image Courtesy:
1.”WymingBrook”By RobChafer at English Wikipedia, (CC BY 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia
2.”Taylor-Massey Creek”By Richard apple – Own work, (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia
В чем разница между creek и brook
A brook is smaller than a creek. But they are the same otherwise.
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( 30 698 )
В чем разница между creek и brook
A creek is larger and deeper than a brook.
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( 30 698 )
В чем разница между creek и brook
They are all really quite similar, the only real difference being in size. A brook is smaller than a creek, and a creek is smaller than a stream.
I would guess that if you were to use any of those three words to describe a small area of flowing water, that nobody would try to correct you.
«You can step over a brook, jump over a creek, and wade (walk in shallow water) through a stream»
Only difference is size, but people use them interchangeably
agree with all the other answers
just keep in mind that stream can be used in a broader term; look up Gulf stream
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