в чем разница между avenge и revenge
В чем разница между avenge и revenge
Revenge is an action taken by someone who was wronged.
Avenge is an action taken by someone on behalf of someone who has been wronged.
I will take revenge on everyone who has ever done me wrong!
I will avenge my brothers death if it’s the last thing I do!
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Avenge vs. Revenge: What’s the Difference?
Home » Avenge vs. Revenge: What’s the Difference?
Some of the trickiest English words to differentiate are those words that sound alike or have very similar meanings. The words avenge vs. revenge are just such a set of words. While they aren’t exactly homophones, they do have similar sounds, both ending in “venge.”
But, what makes them so difficult to tell apart is how similar they are in their meanings. Sometimes, depending on the dictionary you consult, you may not be able to decipher any difference at all.
What is the Difference Between Avenge and Revenge?
Today, I want to talk about the difference between avenge and revenge and the best ways to use them in your writing. I will go over their definitions, illustrate how to use them with example sentences, and give you a few trick to remember their difference.
After reading this post, you shouldn’t ever be confused in picking avenge or revenge again.
When to Use Avenge
Avenge is a verb meaning to inflict a punishment or penalty for an injury or a wrong.
In this sense, avenge is a word that connotes a pursuit of justice for someone other than one’s self. It suggests punishing a person when someone is looking to vindicate someone else other than himself or herself—or is serving the ends of justice.
It could be said that a prosecutor in a murder case is looking to avenge the parents or other family members of the victim.
The key point is that avenge has more to do with justice or retribution than it does with personal retaliation. It connotes an exaction for a wrongdoing and is often something that people seek for those other than themselves.
When to Use Revenge
Revenge is both a noun and a verb and generally means the act of taking vengeance for injuries or wrongs; retaliation. While revenge can function as a verb, it is much more common for it to be seen as a noun.
Revenge is a more personal form of vengeance and is usually centers around feelings of anger and resentment.
In the example above, for instance, there was no “wrong” done to the team who lost, but they felt humiliated. Perhaps they gave up an impressive lead and then ended up losing. This is not wrong or immoral, but they are seeking personal retaliation against the other team for this.
Revenge is much less concerned with retributive justice than it is with personal satisfaction or an “evening up of the score.” Since it is such a personal feeling, revenge often deals with real or perceived wrongs, whether or not any harm was done.
Remember the Difference
Revenge and avenge are difficult to tell apart, but these tricks should help you out.
Avenge means the achievement of justice. Both avenge and achievement start with the letter “A.”
Revenge means retaliation. Both revenge and retaliation start with the letter “R.”
Being careful not to mix up revenge vs. avenge is important for clear and precise writing, and while it is sometimes difficult to tell which is best word, revenge or avenge, choosing one over the other will affect the tone of your writing.
Avenge is a word broadly concerned with inflicting a punishment or penalty in the pursuit of justice.
Revenge is a word broadly concerned with inflicting harm or punishment for personal retaliation.
Глагол « avenge » означает «вынести наказание за причиненный ущерб или вред».
Глагол « avenge » ассоциируется с идеей восстановления справедливости в отношении другого лица, а не в своих интересах. Употребляя глагол « avenge », мы подразумеваем наказание лица (лиц), когда говорящий ищет возможность осуществления правосудия.
Образно говоря, в уголовном деле обвинитель выступает на стороне родственников жертвы или пострадавшего, для того чтобы вынести наказание за ущерб, причиненный жертве. При этом сам обвинитель не будет принимать непосредственного участия в приведении наказания в исполнение.
« Revenge » — может использоваться как существительное и как глагол. Его значение – «месть», «отомстить», «принятие ответных мер».
He was blinded by a desire to get revenge. — Желание отомстить ослепило его.
It was difficult not to be overwhelmed by feelings or hate and revenge. — Было трудно не испытывать избытка чувства ненависти и мести.
We are determined to revenge our humiliating loss from last year. — Мы намерены отомстить за наши прошлогодние унизительные потери.
« Revenge » подразумевает личное участие в отмщении или возмездии и обычно ассоциируется с чувством гнева и негодования. « Revenge » практически никогда не подразумевает восстановление справедливости, ограничиваясь достижением личной удовлетворенности.
Как запомнить разницу?
Как видно из примеров, порой очень сложно найти границу значения каждого из слов. Но есть несколько советов, которые помогут вам определяться с выбором.
« A venge » означает достижение справедливости ( a chievement of justice ). Оба слова « а vengе » и « a chievement » начинаются с буквы «а».
« R evenge » означает возмездие, отмщение ( r etaliation ). Оба слова « r evenge » и « r etaliation » начинаются с буквы « r ».
Предлагаем вам выполнить небольшой тест, чтобы проверить себя:
1) They _______ (avenged/revenged) themselves on the interlopers.
2) Eric wanted to ________ (avenge/revenge) himself on John for his arrogance.
3) He swore to _________ (avenge/revenge) his father’s death.
4) Other spurned wives have taken public _________ (avnge/revenge) on their husbands.
5) He was determined to have his ________ (avenge/revenge) on her one day.
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Avenge vs. Revenge
Avenge is a verb. To avenge is to punish a wrongdoing with the intent of seeing justice done. Revenge can be used as a noun or a verb. It is more personal, less concerned with justice and more about retaliation by inflicting harm.
According to Dictionary.com,
Avenge and revenge both imply to inflict pain or harm in return for pain or harm inflicted on oneself or those persons or causes to which one feels loyalty. The two words were formerly interchangeable, but have been differentiated until they now convey widely diverse ideas. Avenge is now restricted to inflicting punishment as an act of retributive justice or as a vindication of propriety: to avenge a murder by bringing the criminal to trial. Revenge implies inflicting pain or harm to retaliate for real or fancied wrongs; a reflexive pronoun is often used with this verb: Iago wished to revenge himself upon Othello.
Comparison chart
Avenge | Revenge | |
Definition | (VERB) to inflict punishment as an act of retributive justice | (NOUN) inflicted pain or retaliation for real or perceived wrong doings. |
Synonyms | vindicate | reprisal, retribution, vengeance |
Antonyms | forgive | forgiveness |
Example | I avenged my father’s murder by seeing that the killer went to jail. | I am seeking revenge for my father’s murder so the killer suffers the same way my father did. |
Her father avenged her death by working to have the man arrested, tried, and convicted, while her boyfriend took revenge by killing the man’s wife.
Dictionary Meanings
verb (used with object), a·venged, a·veng·ing.
verb (used with object)
verb (used without object)
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В чем разница между avenge и revenge
Revenge is a noun, avenge is a verb
So, “revenge is sweet,” but “I avenge someone”
revenge can be used both as a noun and a verb. but it’s usually not used as a verb
avenge can be used only as a verb
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