в чем разница centre center
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Key Difference: The word ‘center’ and ‘centre’ have the same meaning. The only difference is the place in which the word is used. Now, if you wanted to speak like a British person, the proper word would be ‘centre’, while in America it is ‘center’.
The terms ‘center’ and ‘centre’ are often confusing for many people that are learning English as a second language or shifting from the UK to the US and vice versa. It has become general knowledge that there are many words that are used in Britain English and American English that are same but spelled differently. This is one of those words! Now, if you wanted to speak like a British person, the proper word would be ‘centre’, while in America it is ‘center’.
The word ‘center’ and ‘centre’ have the same meaning. The only difference is the place in which the word is used. According to Dictionary.com ‘center/centre’ means, “the middle point, as the point within a circle or sphere equally distant from all points of the circumference or surface, or the point within a regular polygon equally distant from the vertices.” The word is also used differently in England. The word ‘center’ is used to refer to the center of something, while the ‘centre’ is used to refer the establishments or structures.
Other definitions include:
The term is also used in sports as a player that plays in the middle of the forward line (football/rugby) or a player who jumps for the ball at the start of the game (basketball).
Many countries that have adopted the European English such as France, Italy, India all spell the word as ‘centre’, while countries that follow the American English use ‘center’. These are also used to refer to places or establishments. Examples of these include: shopping center, Center for Disease Control, Centre Region, France, Centre College, Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering, etc.
В чем разница centre center
«Centre» is the British spelling, and «center» is the American spelling.
They mean the same thing. There is no other difference.
@bin1091842190 You’re welcome.
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Center vs. centre
There is no difference in meaning between center and centre. Center is the preferred spelling in American English, and centre is preferred in varieties of English from outside the U.S.
Some people do make distinctions between the words. For instance, some prefer to treat center as the word for a place or institution and centre as the word for the middle point of something. But while these preferences may be taught in some schools and are perhaps common among careful English speakers in Canada, the U.K., and elsewhere, they are not broadly borne out in 21st-century usage.
The following ngram graphs the use of center and centre in American books published from 1800 to 2008. It shows that center has been preferred for a century.
And this ngram showing the use of the words in British books during the same period suggests that center might be gaining ground in British publications.
American publications use center—for example:
The University of Southern Mississippi will announce plans Tuesday for a men’s and women’s golf training center. [USA Today]
He said his remark about his willingness to move the center, which was in answer to a question, was consistent with his previous statements. [New York Times]
Israeli and French filmmakers are making a comedy centered on the assassination of a Hamas operative in Dubai. [AP (dead link)]
The above information is absolutely incorrect!
This is clearly coming from an American thinking they know everyting about Britain again!
Just a couple of examples for British English could be:
CENTER – “The middle of a circle”.
CENTRE – “A place where families go to be part of the community”.
Do you have any evidence for this besides your own examples? We searched through a range of British publications and found “center” used only in reference to American things, and “centre” is used everywhere else.
Let’s try a few searches of current news publications. Here’s “centre” in the Daily Telegraph: http://goo.gl/0PHTm
And here’s “center” in the Daily Telegraph: http://goo.gl/GfRkT
“Centre” in the Independent: http://goo.gl/6BaHq
“Center” in the Independent: http://goo.gl/U5bx2
“Centre” in the Financial Times: http://goo.gl/wtlgH
“Center” in the Financial Times: http://goo.gl/AbYVb
As you can see, these publications (and we looked at many others, with similar results) spell the word “centre” in all its uses except when referring to American things. If the spelling practice is different outside news writing, this would be interesting to note in our post, but we would need some proof.
I work for a public university in California with access to online newspaper archives. It is interesting to note that, at least until the early 1930s, “centre” was the preferred spelling for the word in the New York Times. By the 1950s when I was in elementary school, only “center” was considered correct American spelling for the word. Now the “centre” spelling is showing up in all sorts of adverts that want to appear posh.
I see ‘centre’ in proper names, but I’ve never seen an American book say something like ‘we were in the town centre’.
I wouldn’t believe any newspaper with regards to spelling these day.
You’ve obviously never worked at one.
I disagree. “Center” is used to denote institutions, shops or buildings where people can find things they want eg. Book Center, Sports Center etc. The word “Centre” is used to denote the geometric middle-point of a region as in the centre of a circle, or forward-centre in football.
We’ve received this comment before and have tried very hard to find evidence that it represents a widely held preference, but have failed. We presume you’re talking about U.K. English (though we’ve heard similar suggestions about Canadian English). When we comb through a large number of instances of “center” and “centre” in U.K. publications, though, we find “centre” commonly used for both of the senses you mention, while “center” mostly appears in reference to American things.
We don’t deny that some people outside the U.S. do make this distinction–obviously, they do–but we just don’t see it borne out more broadly.
Also, though don’t we rely on dictionaries for research (they’re historical), it is interesting that we can’t find this distinction noted in any of the major dictionaries, including the U.K. ones, and it’s not noted in any of the British style guides we use for reference. Again, this doesn’t mean that the preference isn’t out there. We just have difficulty finding it borne out in published U.K. English texts.
I can attest to the fact that there is no distinction in British or Australian English made between ‘center’ and ‘centre’, except that the former is seen as US English and viewed as nonstandard. (Both spellings have been used by British writers from time to time and the SOED seems to suggest that ‘center’ is the older version.)
I’m curious at your comment that dictionaries are historical. The OED certainly is, agreed, but I believe it is Oxford’s policy, like that of Collins and Macquarie (here in Australia), to strike a balance between being prescriptive (based on etymology, historical usage, etc.) and descriptive (i.e. reflective of current usage). That said, I think it’s wise not to be reliant on dictionaries. As much as I adore my leather-bound, gild-edged copy of the SOED, I take issue with a few of its definitions. Moreover—and please forgive the tangent—, have you noticed it doesn’t contain one of the most beautiful words in the language ‘sun-shower’?! I feel we need to organize a campaign or something.
Here in Australia, Centre is used in official government department names. Centrelink, for example.
In short you are wrong, however i agree that that should be how it is used much like meter and metre.
Center vs. Centre
This Grammar.com article is about Center vs. Centre — enjoy your reading!
Both «center» and «centre» refer to the same thing. As nouns, they signify the «middle» part or point of an area. As verbs, they refer to the action of placing something into the middle of something else.
So why are they spelled differently, what is the difference between them and in which situation you should use each, in order to be considered linguistically elegant? Let’s see what English grammar experts have to say about this!
Center vs. Centre
There is no difference between these two words; both forms are officially accepted, according to several notorious publications and dictionaries, including «Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary». The only essential aspect that makes a difference between these two forms is represented by the region where they are generally used. «Centre» is preferred in UK while «center» is the commonly used US version.
When do we use «center»?
When we are in the US. American English speakers definitely prefer to spell the word like this for an easier pronunciation. If you are writing an official message towards an American person/company, then definitely choose «center».
When do we use «centre»?
Surely if you are not going to prefer this version, nobody will feel offended by your choice. Yet, for more elegance in a formal message towards a British person, «centre» is much preferred in UK.
While you will not be criticized no matter which version, «center» or «centre», you use, your efforts to use the more appropriate version according to the person you are writing to will certainly be appreciated, especially in the UK, where people tend to be more careful to these aspects and more appreciative towards those who make the more «traditional» choice. Just remember to use «centre» in British English and «center» when you communicate with an American, and your grammar will definitely be impeccable in this matter.
at the centre of events в самой гуще событий;
where’s the shopping centre? где здесь торговый центр? calculation
attr. центральный;
centre boss ступица колеса
attr. центральный;
centre boss ступица колеса
for social work центр общественно-полезной работы
for social work of church церковный центр общественно-полезного труда
of a wheel ступица колеса
of buoyancy центр подъемной силы аэростата;
centre of gravity центр тяжести;
centre of impact воен. средняя точка попадания
of buoyancy центр подъемной силы аэростата;
centre of gravity центр тяжести;
centre of impact воен. средняя точка попадания gravity:
of buoyancy центр подъемной силы аэростата;
centre of gravity центр тяжести;
centre of impact воен. средняя точка попадания to centree one’s hopes (on (или in) smb.) возлагать все надежды (на кого-л.) ;
the interest centres in интерес сосредоточен на;
the discussion centred round one point в центре обсуждения находился один пункт centres of support центры поддержки child day care
консультационный центр по воспитанию детей и организации семьи;
центр матери и ребенка (нелечебное учереждение) child health
центр детского здоровья;
детская больница city
зал для собраний commercial
городской культурно-спортивный центр community
центр жилого района или города;
общинный центр community: community:
структурное подразделение, результаты деятельности которого оцениваются полученной прибылью cost
консультационный центр crisis care
центр комы;
центр интенсивной терапии;
реанимация crisis intervention
центр помощи в кризисных состояниях (оказывает неотложную краткосрочную помощь душевнобольным или наркоманам) data
центр дневного ухода (за детьми) detention
место заключения detention
вытрезвитель to centree one’s hopes (on (или in) smb.) возлагать все надежды (на кого-л.) ;
the interest centres in интерес сосредоточен на;
the discussion centred round one point в центре обсуждения находился один пункт distribution
центр охраны семьи financial
centre детская консультация;
health centre амер. диспансер in the
at the centre of events в самой гуще событий;
where’s the shopping centre? где здесь торговый центр? industrial
центр восстановления работоспособности industrial residential
жилой квартал в промышленной зоне information
информационный центр to centree one’s hopes (on (или in) smb.) возлагать все надежды (на кого-л.) ;
the interest centres in интерес сосредоточен на;
the discussion centred round one point в центре обсуждения находился один пункт job
бюро по трудоустройству juvenile detention
«центр заключения» несовершеннолетних преступников knowledge
центр рекламы municipal health
калькуляционный отдел profit
подразделение компании, результаты деятельности которого оцениваются полученной прибылью profit
подразделение компании, получающее прибыль reception
центр приема reception:
centre приемный пункт (для размещения беженцев, эвакуированных и т. п.) refugee
центр приема беженцев remand
центр документации resource
центр учебных пособий sales
учреждение, ведущее операции с ценными бумагами service
центр социального обслуживания social service
центр социальных услуг The State Study Aid Centre Государственный центр по оказанию помощи научным исследованиям tourist
центр туризма town
центр повышения квалификации rehabilitation: vocational
centre центр профессиональной реабилитации in the
at the centre of events в самой гуще событий;
where’s the shopping centre? где здесь торговый центр? world trade
молодежный центр youth counselling
консультационный молодежный центр youth custody
тюрьма для молодых заключенных youth recreation
центр отдыха молодежи
Смотреть что такое «centre» в других словарях:
centre — [ sɑ̃tr ] n. m. • 1275; lat. centrum, gr. kentron I ♦ 1 ♦ Point intérieur (d un cercle, d une sphère) équidistant de tous les points du cercle, de la sphère. Le centre d un disque. Le centre de la Terre. ♢ Centre de symétrie : point tel que tous… … Encyclopédie Universelle
centre — CENTRE. s. m. Le milieu, le point du milieu d un cercle ou d une sphère. Le centre d un cercle. Tirer une ligne du centre à la circonférence, des lignes qui passent par le centre, qui aboutissent au centre. Le centre de la terre. Le centre d une… … Dictionnaire de l’Académie Française 1798
centre — s. m. Le milieu, le point du milieu de chaque chose. Le centre de la terre. le centre d un cercle. tirer une ligne du centre à la circonference. des lignes qui passent par le centre, qui aboutissent au centre. Il se prend aussi pour le lieu où… … Dictionnaire de l’Académie française
Centre — Centre … Deutsch Wikipedia
centre — (US center) ► NOUN 1) a point in the middle of something that is equally distant from all of its sides, ends, or surfaces. 2) a place where a specified activity is concentrated. 3) a point from which something spreads or to which something is… … English terms dictionary
Centre A — Centre A, the Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art, is a non profit art gallery committed to the research, production, presentation and interpretation of contemporary Asian art. It is located at 2 West Hastings Street, in… … Wikipedia
Centre — Centre, AL U.S. city in Alabama Population (2000): 3216 Housing Units (2000): 1515 Land area (2000): 10.968141 sq. miles (28.407354 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.105972 sq. miles (0.274466 sq. km) Total area (2000): 11.074113 sq. miles (28.681820… … StarDict’s U.S. Gazetteer Places
Centre, AL — U.S. city in Alabama Population (2000): 3216 Housing Units (2000): 1515 Land area (2000): 10.968141 sq. miles (28.407354 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.105972 sq. miles (0.274466 sq. km) Total area (2000): 11.074113 sq. miles (28.681820 sq. km)… … StarDict’s U.S. Gazetteer Places
centre — cèntre m. centre; milieu. Estre a son centre : être à son affaire ; être dans son élément. voir element … Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu
centre — cen tre, n. & v. See