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The Black Cat

Автор: Ермак от 20-02-2020, 14:55

SCP 1923 антропоморфное существо визуально похожее на персонажей мультфильмов 20 века
Рост колеблется от 3 до 5 метров. Тело на 90% состоит из чёрной густой массы. Остальные 10% это твердые участки тела: зубы и лапы.

SCP 1923 способен увеличить свои конечности и тело в 5 раз. Трудно обнаружить, ведь при перемещении не издает каких либо звуков. Очень опасен ввиду склонности к убийствам. Основные способы умерщвления являются удаления зубов жертвы с последующим поеданием тела, а так же заполнения тела чёрной жидкостью, что приводит к сверх-сильной интоксикации. При обнаружении человека SCP встаёт в позу буквы Д на минуту, а после атакует. При выходе жертвы из здания начинает преследовать до тех пор, пока не убьет, либо пока жертва не удалиться более чем на 500 метров. В бездействующей фазе SCP представляет собой граффити изображающее доброго, улыбающегося кота имееющего под собой надпись «That’s all, folks!», что означает «Вот и всё, ребята!» Поза изображенного существа постоянно меняется. Глаза граффити изображены так, чтоб они всегда были повернуты на смотрящего. На данный момент не было зафиксировано как объект переходит из трехмерного существа в двухмерное изображение.

Второй случай произошёл спустя 2 недели после установки камер.
В 4 часа утра произошёл скачок напряжения и после его устранения неполадок охранник заметил, что камеры были залепленны неизвестной чёрной жидкостью. Решив проверить обстановку он встретил в главном зале торгового центра SCP 1923 и вероятнее всего, был убит. Прибывшая группа МИКРОН-9 доложила о следах сопротивления и найденной дубинки с пистолетом Glock-9 измазанной чернилами и кровью. Спустя час объект был обнаружен в неактивной фазе. После объект не предпринимал попыток переместиться в другое место
При проведении опытов с SCP1923 было выявлено, что чернилам прекрасно противостоит жидкий азот при минусовой температуре. При взаимодействии с азотом чернила начинают трескаться. Для сопротивления объекту было создано орудие стреляющие жидким азотом


SCP Foundation

Secure, Contain, Protect

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SCP Tales by Series

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Okay, here’s another SCP Idea I’ve got in mind, basing it off of one of «unnerving images». Do let me know if there’s something wrong with it (especially with the «incident», because I don’t know if that’s a thing allowed here or not. Nothing over-powered, just the way it happens. (hopefully I didn’t make it too big, and slight gore warning. XP)

Class: Neutralized Keter (due to increased containment precautions. read the incident report for details)

SCP-XXXX is a 2 to 3 meter tall creature with its body composed 95% of a black, liquid-like substance most reminiscent to that of liquid Ink. The only known «solid» form in its anatomy is its teeth, which after study are confirmed to be Human teeth. Its eyes make up 70% of its face, with its mouth consistently grinning. Its arms are twice the length of its legs, and its hands appear outfitted in white gloves as part of the hand.

SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a reinforced containment cell. Any and all interactions with SCP-XXXX are to be monitored throughout the entire duration.

(update) SCP-XXXX’s cell is to be kept under 30 degrees, keeping its body in a more solid state. In case of containment breach, Liquid Nitrogen Fire Extinguishers are to be readily available to be use against SCP-XXXX. all captured specimens are to be kept isolated from each other.

During one of its Containment Breaches which it destroyed its containment cell door, SCP-XXXX was cornered and locked within a boiler room. During this, SCP-XXXX’s liquid body started to boil due to the heat until it boiled away to basically nothing except for the teeth. The foundation labeled it as Neutralized.

However, several months later, sightings of «Cartoon Cats» began to reemerge outside of the Foundation again, only this time the forms are smaller and simpler in appearance compared to the original, curiously after other sightings of «black rain» beforehand. The Foundation hypothesized that the original SCP-XXXX turned into a gas-like substance after boiling away from its liquid state, and somehow managed to break outside the foundation as part of the Water cycle commonly known (the gas bring formed into the clouds, and coming down as rain).

The foundation currently has several specimens of SCP-XXXX in containment (SCP-XXX-A through F), and on high alert for any more possible sightings.

I hope it at least sounds interesting. Let me know what you think, if I missed anything, or if it sounds too generic or over-powered to attempt. Thank you for your time ^^

I’m sorry but i fear you’ve stolen this idea from Trevor Henderson horror character «Cartoon Cat», which dates way back from 2018. Please delete this and have ideas of your own.

Hey would you mind cutting this down a little btw? Per the Ideas Critique forum guidelines:

Keep it short and sweet. Keep concept summaries under 500 words. Reviewers will ask for clarification or additional details as necessary; you want people to be intrigued and interested by the pitch, not overwhelmed or hesitant to even try to read a wall of text.

You’re currently at about 800 words and are kinda, heavily skirting the line between sharing a draft and a concept here.

Okay, I shortened and summarized it some more. Hopefully it’s not as long as before now

Oh, has the Word Count rule been updated? I could’ve sworn it used to be 400

Edit: sorry Zyn, I saw a new post and I thought that this was also a new post as well

[Noting a PM request to review this]

This is…weird. It feels to generically like a standard horror monster for it to really work here; with not quite enough context story to it for me to really be drawn in by it? Tying it in to cartoon cats is a fun angle on paper, but it doesn’t really feel very much like the kind of comparison I’d make from how it’s described and what it does, so I’m not sure it’s like, apparent enough in what you wanna do?

It really feels like this needs more of a story to it to me; like, the horror isn’t quite enough on it’s own I think and there’s not quite enough of the cartoon charm but subverted leaking through for me to dig this as much as I feel like I should?

On some level, I think it’d also be worth really considering why the SCP behaves as it does: it seems to be sapient, or at least potentially capable of being sapient; and so it’s unlikely to just do things without a good reason to. It might also be worth considering why it exists: it’s not something I’d spend a lot of time dwelling on in the article but it might help you figure out the motivation for it?

There is more context to this, but you said I had to shorten it so I removed some of the details ^^; but since you insist, here’s some extra tid-bits on what I had in mind for the Cartoon Cat:

— As suggested by one of the bigger site members for one of my previous ideas, perhaps this fella’s backstory can be a byproduct of Wondertainment? I’m not too familiar with the company personally, but given what articles I’ve read, and what the company is about, Cartoon Cat might fit in well with them as a «barney» esque living cartoon character to entertain children. You know, until its maltreatment as just a toy by other people caused it to grow too bitter and started killing people, finding satisfaction in that instead of «acting like a clown»

— Its habit for taking people’s teeth is more of a necessity for it. To put it simply: it can’t bite or smile without any teeth, and it can’t grow its own so it just takes other people’s teeth. Like a killer tooth fairy x3. As for making people explode from ink … eh, it just finds it easier since its body is made up of liquid ink. Its preferred method of killing because its easier to do.

— It is sapient in a way. I DID consider it being capable of speech and actually having interviews with the staff at a few points, but then I’d have to explain on HOW it can talk and I couldn’t come up with a good enough answer. Unless you think that’s more interesting to include with Cartoon Cat.

There is more context to this, but you said I had to shorten it so I removed some of the details

Yeah, I mean, part of summarising an idea is figuring out what parts are worth keeping and what parts can be safely removed.

Your elaborations here haven’t exactly helped: my big concern is like, what do you actually wanna do with this article here? Like, what’s the story? What’s the narrative conflict? How are you wanting to convey the horror here? Like is there gonna be an extensive backstory section detailing the SCP killing stuff and their fall from grace? Or are you gonna do D-Class testing? Or something else?

It might be worth having a read through a few of these to get a better feel for how to tell a story in a SCP form and like, how to figure out what to do?

Cartoon Cat might fit in well with them as a «barney» esque living cartoon character to entertain children. You know, until its maltreatment as just a toy by other people caused it to grow too bitter and started killing people, finding satisfaction in that instead of «acting like a clown»

Are you actually wanting to explore the fall of Cartoon Cat here as part of the article? At the moment, it feels perhaps a little too dangerous/powerful for Wondertainment to make but??

Its habit for taking people’s teeth is more of a necessity for it. To put it simply: it can’t bite or smile without any teeth, and it can’t grow its own so it just takes other people’s teeth.

Okay but it doesn’t particularly seem like it bites/smiles often so I’m not sure why it takes teeth to allow it to? Like, taking teeth is some super evocative horror shit but at the moment it feels tacked on here?

It is sapient in a way. I DID consider it being capable of speech and actually having interviews with the staff at a few points, but then I’d have to explain on HOW it can talk and I couldn’t come up with a good enough answer

I mean it’s a cartoon character made real? You can just be all «hey it can talk»?

Unless you think that’s more interesting to include with Cartoon Cat.

I mean, it could be an interesting angle depending on what story you wanna tell here.

what do you actually wanna do with this article here? Like, what’s the story? What’s the narrative conflict? How are you wanting to convey the horror here? Like is there gonna be an extensive backstory section detailing the SCP killing stuff and their fall from grace? Or are you gonna do D-Class testing? Or something else?

Are you actually wanting to explore the fall of Cartoon Cat here as part of the article?

Seems like the more decent approach. Of course this is a spur-of-the-moment idea on my part, being the only «children company» of the SCP lore that would remotely make sense here. It makes more sense than some random studio somewhere else just making one out of nowhere, at least. But that’s just me.

it doesn’t particularly seem like it bites/smiles often so I’m not sure why it takes teeth to allow it to? Like, taking teeth is some super evocative horror shit but at the moment it feels tacked on here?


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