что нового в unity 2021
Дополнительные функции в Unity 2021.1 Tech Stream для программистов
Познакомьтесь с новинками выпуска Unity 2021.1 Tech Stream, которые ускорят разработку кода и упростят создание оптимизированных, высокопроизводительных игр.
Выпуск технологического потока предназначен для тех, кто разрабатывает проекты на основе новейших технологий. Следуя обещанию улучшать стабильность и надежность редактора Unity, мы интегрировали графические пакеты, систему визуального программирования и Device Simulator в ядро редактора, а также провели работу над повышением удобства работы.
Дополнительные функции, улучшающие программирование
Улучшения систем, которые повысят удобство разработки кода в 2021.1.
Поддержка нескольких версий с помощью Version Defines
Откройте для себя новейшие возможности API, используя Version Defines для обратной совместимости с предыдущими версиями Unity и API в единой кодовой базе.
Разработка функций с точным отсчетом времени
Time.timeAsDouble вводит ряд атрибутов AsDouble, которые удваивают точность отсчета времени в проекте. Это особенно полезно для разработки приложений с длительным временем работы, например, выделенных игровых серверов.
Контролируйте тестирование вашего кода
Используйте пакет Unity Code Coverage с Test Runner, чтобы проверить охват кода вашего проекта тестами, с подробными отчетами в формате HTML для поиска областей, не учтенных вашим текущим набором тестов.
Поддержка профилировки нескольких экземпляров Player
Запускайте несколько экземпляров Player на одной машине и подключайте Unity Profiler к конкретному экземпляру, чтобы лучше понимать особенности его работы и эффективнее использовать имеющиеся аппаратные ресурсы.
Тестируйте приложения на разных платформах с помощью Device Simulator
Оценивайте работу игры на различных мобильных устройствах. Device Simulator теперь стал частью стандартного набора Unity.
Программируйте логику перетаскиванием блоков в схеме
Графическое представление кода с поддержкой перетаскивания для ускоренного создания и проработки прототипов. Визуальное программирование — это еще и отличный способ сделать скрипты доступнее, и возможность создания инструментов для художников и дизайнеров.
Улучшения UnityLinker: быстрые и легкие исполняемые файлы
Обновленный инструмент UnityLinker включает улучшенные алгоритмы удаления неиспользуемого кода из методов, обнаружения отражений C# и удаления неиспользуемого кода из делегатов. Все это — для ускорения преобразования облегченных сборок с помощью IL2CPP в C++, а также для снижения размера исполняемого файла.
Оптимизация IL2CPP для улучшения конвертации проектов
Эта версия Unity включает ряд небольших оптимизаций множества алгоритмов преобразования IL2CPP и компиляции C++ для ускорения процессов сборки и конвертации проектов.
Комплексный анализ использования памяти
Пакет профилирования памяти Unity Profiler обновлен. Теперь он сообщает все необходимые данные для управляемых типов данных, включая многомерные массивы, а также предоставляет улучшенную отчетность по текстурам и мешам.
Недельный геймдев: #21 — 6 июня, 2021
Из новостей на неделе: вышел Unity 2021.2a19 с обновлением пайплайна работы с ассетами, исходники Периметра на Гитхаб выложили, вышел Blender 2.93 LTS, AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution появится в первых играх уже 22 июня, в Steam появились «совместные наборы», прогресс по GDScript в Godot по пути к 4.0, вышли Howler 2022, KeyShot 10.2 и новый пакет Arm Mobile Studio для Unity.
Из интересностей: исследование того, как Nanite работает изнутри, советы по оптимизации работы с Substance, анимированный мост в Unreal Engine чисто в шейдере, интересные примеры VFX из недавних фильмов.
Вышел Unity 2021.2a19
И появилось окно импорта ассетов: позволяет посмотреть дату импорта, предыдущие версии ассетов, список зависимостей, импортеры, используемые для импорта артефакта, длительность импорта и многое другое.
Исходники Периметра на Гитхаб выложили
Можно собрать, как минимум, на XP и Win7.
AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution появится в первых играх уже 22 июня
На картах AMD прирост до 60%.
4 пресета качества.
А так как оно не привязано к AMD, то будет работать и на картах Nvidia. На GTX 1060 даёт +41%
Вышел Blender 2.93 LTS
Который знаменует собой завершение более чем двадцатилетней истории разработки. А скоро появится и 3.0.
Новый воркспейс и редактор спредшитов для геометрических нод.
Новые способы использовать маски на моделях во время лепки.
Более быстрый и качественный рендеринг в Cycles и Eevee.
Крупное обновления набора инструментов Grease Pencil для 2D-анимации.
Обновились многие тулсеты.
В Steam появилась новая функция под названием «совместные наборы»
С её помощью разработчики и издатели могут создавать наборы из нескольких игр в Steam совместно с другими разработчиками и издателями.
Вышел Verge3D 3.7 для Blender
Добавили технику глобального освещения для значительного улучшения реализма сцен, clipping planes, чтобы заглянуть внутрь сложных объектов, интегрировали инструменты для разработки мобильных и настольных приложений, добавили батчинг геометрии в рантайме.
Кроме того, включили в это обновление 3 новых демки.
Прогресс по GDScript в Godot по пути к 4.0
Ещё многое предстоит сделать, но и в этом обновлении достаточно интересных новшеств.
Статические методы для встроенных типов.
Оптимизации. В частности, ведётся работа над уменьшением ветвлений. Вводится временный стек, чтобы убрать переинициализацию вариантов. Это поможет с типами, которые требуют аллокаций, например, Transform.
В библиотеку Chaos Cosmos для V-Ray было добавлено 100 новых ассетов
Идеально подходящих для интерьера: столы, стулья, лампы и посуда. В дополнение библиотека теперь включает несколько человеческих персонажей от AXYZ Design, одного из ведущих поставщиков отсканированных фотографий людей в 3D.
Unity хотят переосмыслить Unite
Вышел Howler 2022
Новая версия инструмента для цифровой живописи, анимации и обработки видео, который можно использовать для создания «кинематографических визуальных эффектов в интуитивной среде».
Обновление добавляет функцию аналитического апскейла для повышения разрешения изображений и возможность пометить изображения как нестираемые, чтобы те пережили рестарт приложения.
SpookyGhost вышел в опенсорс по MIT лицензии
Кроссплатформенный инструмент для процедурной анимации, созданный с использованием игрового движка nCine 2D на C++ и ImGui для UI, можно посмотреть на Гитхабе.
Инструмент позволяет легко создавать 2D-анимацию с использованием процедурных контроллеров, а также вашего собственных сценариев на Lua и экспортировать их в виде фреймов спрайтов или готовых к игре спрайтшитов.
Вышел KeyShot 10.2
Добавили инструмент Mesh Simplification для уменьшения числа треугольников моделей, предназначенный для упрощения их повторного использования в AR приложениях, таких как KeyVR KeyShot.
Библиотека материалов KeyShot также была обновлена: теперь пользователи могут выбирать семь различных 3D-моделей для предварительного просмотра материалов в виде миниатюр.
Вышел новый пакет Arm Mobile Studio для Unity
Интересные статьи/видео
Nanite: взгляд изнутри
Эмилио Лопес, Senior Graphics Engineer из Playground Games, поделился своим взглядом на Nanite и попытался разобрать то, как система работает. При исследовании во многом полагался на RenderDoc.
Запись стрима на канале Unreal Ungine по работе с Nanite в UE5 и про саму технологию
Оптимизация работы с Substance
Виктор Андреенков поделился советами, как сделать Substance Painter менее требовательным по железу без снижения качества работы.
Анимированный мост в Unreal Engine чисто в шейдере
Т. к. с мостом не нужно взаимодействовать, то и skeletal mesh не нужен, поэтому шейдер в таком случае показался автору разумным решением.
Создание мифических существ и VFX дыма с огнём
Члены команды REALTIME рассказали 80lv о создании мифических существ для тв-сериалов и обсудили процесс создания реалистичных визуальных эффектов дыма и огня.
Про создание VFX в «Армии мертвецов» Зака Снайдера
Использовалось сочетание наземных и воздушных снимков LIDAR и дронов.
Unity 2021.1.1
Install this version with Unity Hub.
Additional downloads
Select the runtime platforms of your choice from the list below (the desktop runtime is included as standard) or, to install the full complement of runtime platforms, use the download assistant installer above.
Release notes
Known Issues in 2021.1.1f1
Asset Importers: [Performance Regression] Importing an fbx model is noticeably slower when the model contains Animations (1265275)
Asset Bundles: Synchronous Asset Loading Does Not Correctly Load Preload Dependencies (1321141)
Cloth: Cloth is broken when parent GameObject scale is lower than 1 and Surface Penetration constraints are set 0 (1319488)
Global Illumination: Wintermute::Geometry::Verify errors are spammed when baking a Mesh with Mesh Compression set to Medium/High (1319133)
Linux: Linux Editor crashes at «_XFreeX11XCBStructure» when loading tutorials (1323204)
Scripting: Increased Script Assembly reload time (1323490)
Terrain: Crash on TreeRenderer::WillRenderTrees when being in Play Mode for several seconds (1317966)
IMGUI: Contents of a ModalUtility window are invisible when it is launched from a Unity Context Menu (1313636)
Global Illumination: Reflection probes doesn’t contain indirect scene lighting after the on-demand GI bake from the Lighting window (1324246)
Addressable Assets: Performance bug reported by the DOTS team in PreloadManager::WaitForAllOperationToComplete (1322086)
Packman: User can’t easily configure location of both UPM and Asset Store package local cache (1317232)
Serialization: Crash in SerializedProperty::IsValid when reordering a SerializedProperty list (1320319)
Windows: [Windows 7] «WindowsVideoMedia error 0xc00d36b4» error is thrown when loading a video with the VideoPlayer (1306350)
Global Illumination: [GPUPLM] Crash in RadeonRaysMeshManager::RemoveGeometry while baking Terrain game object with 4k lightmaps on certain GPU (1255993)
Terrain: Terrain Lit Opacity as Density option causes alpha’d areas on the 5th layer or greater to appear with artifacts (1283124)
MacOS: Resigning Unity built macOS app results in «code signature data out of place» out of place error (1324168)
XR: OpenXR + URP + UWP rendering stuck (1323833)
MacOS: [macOS] «build is damaged and cannot be opened» error when downloading Unity build from internet (1323501)
Mobile: FixedUpdate gets called multiple times before the first Update when Build is run on a Device (1318647)
Packman: Package Manager incorrectly shows that there are no packages in a new project (1319205)
Scripting: Crashes on mono_class_init when entering Play Mode after recompiling scripts (1262671)
Asset Importers: Wintermute::Geometry::Verify errors are spammed when baking a Mesh with Mesh Compression set to Medium/High (1313968)
2D: [URP] The Camera renders black screen when Post Processing is enabled in the 2D Renderer and in the Camera Component (1318500)
Polybrush: [PolyBrush] Something went wrong saving brush settings Warning is thrown when Saving a Brush after opening the PolyBrush Window (1315475)
2021.1.1f1 Release Notes
Editor: Added profiler markers around test setup, teardown, and execution.
Editor: Improving UTF documentation (DSTR-120).
Editor: Reduced the per-test overhead of running tests in the editor.
Editor: Reduced the time taken to rebuild the test tree and to scan for assets a test created but did not delete.
Editor: Reduced time taken by filtering operations when only a subset of tests is run.
Package Manager: Fixed an issue where using a Git URL with a revision and a package path in the wrong order would still clone the repository, introducing unnecessary delays before failing with an error.
Package Manager: Improved logging by adding logs for cache misses and tarball download steps.
Package Manager: Improved the error message when a Git dependency cannot be resolved because the path querystring and revision fragment are in the wrong order.
Package Manager: Increased the amount of information logged to upm.log at various levels.
Package Manager: Optimized Git package download times for repositories using submodules (with Git 2.28.0 or higher installed only).
Package Manager: Optimized Git package download times, most notably for repositories with a larger history.
Shaders: Reduced shader variant memory usage at runtime and memory consumption while loading shaders. (1296101)
HDRP: Cached the base types of Volume Manager to improve memory and cpu usage.
HDRP: Reduced the maximal number of bounces for both RTGI and RTR. (1318876)
Package: Recorder: Fixed an error in the that occurred when setting the build target to macOS standalone from the Editor in Windows. (1304944)
VFX Graph: Property Binder : Handle Remove Component removing linked hidden scriptable objectfields.
VFX Graph: Property Binder : Prevent multiple VFXPropertyBinder within the same game object.
VFX Graph: Sphere and Cube outputs are now experimental.
Android: Fixed an issue that causes a «failed to load libMain.so» error when deploying an APK from an app bundle. (1314472)
Asset Import: Fixed the External Objects being displayed when selecting a Text Asset. (1301327)
Asset Pipeline: Made description for Assertion failed on expression: ‘ins.second || ins.first->second. more descriptive. (1274912)
Editor: Corrected keymapping on linux for quote/backquote/doublequote keycodes. (1281473)
Editor: Fixed progress bar related asserts when calling EditorUtility.CompressTexture with an EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar right around it. (1308740)
Editor: Gracefully exit Editor when the shader compiler process cannot be launched due to external conditions. (1319336)
Editor: Paste as Child should paste GO relative to parent instead of keeping world transform. (1320439)
Editor: [Collab] Defer handling for downloading plastic cloud projects so package manager will initialize the default packages. (1319580)
Graphics: Fixed ACES tonemaping on mobile platforms by forcing some shader color conversion functions to full float precision.
Graphics: Fixed biased mips not being stable when mip-biasing kicks in. (1273174)
Graphics: Fixed deadlock when scanning for mip streaming textures associated with a renderer. (1318903)
Graphics: Fixed incorrect cubemap textures on some platforms when using crunched textures. (1282758)
Graphics: Fixed stack overflow exception when compressing Texture to EXR with PIZ compression. (1312104)
Graphics: Fixed virtual texturing stats not being correctly gathered and displayed while capturing the editor. (1286033)
HDRP: Fixed error message when having MSAA and Screen Space Shadows. (1318698)
HDRP: Fixed grey screen on playstation platform when histogram exposure is enabled but the curve mapping is not used.
HDRP: Fixed HDRP material being constantly dirty.
HDRP: Fixed HDRPAsset loosing its reference to the ray tracing resources when clicking on a different quality level that doesn’t have ray tracing. (1320304)
HDRP: Fixed issue in path tracing, where objects would cast shadows even if not present in the path traced layers. (1318857)
HDRP: Fixed Nans happening when the history render target is bigger than the current viewport. (1321139)
HDRP: Fixed SRP batcher not compatible with Decal. (1311586)
HDRP: Fixed Tube and Disc lights mode selection. (1317776)
HDRP: Fixed wrong color buffer being bound to pre refraction custom passes.
IL2CPP: Avoid an error deleting build cache files when a native plugin is marked as read-only in the Unity project directory. (1313412)
Linux: Converted «X11 did not respond within x milliseconds» error to a logged warning. (1309607)
Package Manager: Fixed an issue where either no submodules or the wrong submodules could be cloned when using a Git-based dependency with both a path and a revision.
Package Manager: Fixed an issue where files tracked by Git LFS were not retrieved when using a Git-based dependency with both a path and a revision. (1307682)
Package Manager: Fixed an issue where the packages-lock.json file was overwritten with the same contents but considered modified by Unity, sometimes resulting in unnecessary operations. (1299834)
Particles: Added missing particle attributes to the C# Job System integration. (1312288)
Particles: Fixed crash when using modules with no assigned Particle System. (1319658)
Physics: Fixed an issue when editing a PolygonCollider2D or EdgeCollider2D where you could delete edges/vertex without limit resulting in an editor tooling exception being thrown. (1318971)
Physics: Fixed an issue where a negative X or Y local scale on a 2D Collider used by a CompositeCollider2D caused its winding to change resulting in its geometry not handled as a geometric merging operation (union) but instead a subtraction operation. (1266460)
Physics: Fixed an issue where ContactPoint2D.tangentImpulse and ContactPoint2D.normalImpulse could occasionally return an undefined or NaN value. (1287916)
Physics: Fixed an issue where particles using the Collision Module could occasionally leak through the vertex connections in an EdgeCollider2D. (1249794)
Physics: Fixed an issue where the CapsuleCollider2D editor tooling incorrectly displayed gizmos when editing a GameObject with multiple CapsuleCollider2D of different orientations. (1310746)
Physics: Fixed an issue with Cloth disallowing SkinnedMeshRenderer bounds update outside of playmode. (1316947)
Physics: Made mesh collider error more descriptive by including the path to the object. (1318366)
Prefabs: Fixed removing components from Prefab instances when RequireComponent is added after creating the Prefab. (1284595)
Profiler: Fixed memory tracking of UnsafeUtility allocations. (1320540)
Profiler: Maximizing the Profiler window whilst profiling the Editor will no longer cause a null argument exception. (1315755)
Scripting: Fixed by removing dead code. (1316049)
Scripting: Fixed exceptions getting logged in the Console when the Logger.logEnabled is set to false. (1311534)
Shadergraph: Fixed a bug in master node preview generation that failed compilation when a block was deleted. (1319066)
Shaders: Fixed incorrect array subscripts generated for OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Metal and Vulkan when using arrays or structs in global scope. (1318555)
Shaders: Fixed reflection reporting for structs in the global scope for OpenGL and OpenGL ES. (1318610)
Shaders: Fixed reflection reporting for structs inside constant buffers for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and Metal. (1318619)
Shaders: Fixed reflection reporting for structs inside constant buffers for Vulkan. (1318559)
UI: Fixed issue with checking for CanBindTo with null sprite. (1310284)
UI Toolkit: Fixed showMixedValue broken on UI Toolkit PropertyField. (1311479)
UI Toolkit: Fixed the TwoPaneSplitView’s view data will not being persisted when the viewDataKey is set.
Fixed the UI Builder window’s layout will resetting anymore when the window is reloaded. (1314083)
Universal: Fixed an issue where 2D lighting was incorrectly calculated when using a perspective camera.
Universal: Fixed an issue where 2D Shadows were casting to the wrong layers. (1300753)
Universal: Fixed an issue where Light2D did not upgrade Shadow Strength, Volumetric Intensity, Volumetric Shadow Strength correctly. (1317755)
Universal: Fixed an issue where normal-mapped Sprites could render differently depending on whether they’re dynamically-batched. (1286186)
Universal: Fixed an issue where Post Processing doesn’t enable when PostProcessData reassigned from the asset selector window.
Universal: Fixed an issue where the camera renders black screen when Post Processing is enabled in the 2D Renderer and in the Camera Component.
Universal: Fixed an issue where Transparency Sort Mode value is taken from Graphics Settings instead of 2D Renderer. (1310652)
Universal: Fixed issue causing missing shaders on DirectX 11 feature level 10 GPUs. (1278390)
VFX Graph: An existing link can be remade.
VFX Graph: Artefact in VFXView using efficient debug mode in component target board. (1243947)
VFX Graph: Consistently displays the Age Particles checkbox in Update context. (1221557)
VFX Graph: Fixed compute culling compilation in URP. (1309174)
VFX Graph: Fixed issue with VFX using incorrect buffer type for strip data.
VFX Graph: Fixed shader compilation errors with textures in shader graph. (1309219)
VFX Graph: Fixed when deleting a context node and a block while both are selected throws a null ref exception. (1315578)
VFX Graph: Handle correctly locked VisualEffectAsset with version control system. (1261051)
VFX Graph: Modified Sign operator node output for float when input is 0.0f. (1299922)
VFX Graph: PCache: Unexpected ditable field in Mesh Statistics, Save & Cancel pCache, error trying to access not readable texture. (1122417)
VFX Graph: Property Binder : Allow copy/past from a game object to another.
VFX Graph: Property Binder : Undo after reset. (1293794)
VFX Graph: Safe Normalization of Cross Products in Orient blocks. (1272724)
VFX Graph: Use alphabetical order in type list in blackboard «+» button. (1304109)
Windows: Fixed Win10 SDK not getting installed properly. (1308226)
XR: Fixed non-fullscreen viewport rect handling on non-stereo cameras when XR devices are enabled. (1319352)
XR: Fixed phrase recognizer to not throw exception after multiple runs in editor. (1301363)
Unity 2021.1.2
Install this version with Unity Hub.
Additional downloads
Select the runtime platforms of your choice from the list below (the desktop runtime is included as standard) or, to install the full complement of runtime platforms, use the download assistant installer above.
Release notes
Known Issues in 2021.1.2f1
Addressable Assets: Performance bug reported by the DOTS team in PreloadManager::WaitForAllOperationToComplete (1322086)
Windows: [Windows 7] «WindowsVideoMedia error 0xc00d36b4» error is thrown when loading a video with the VideoPlayer (1306350)
Scripting: Increased Script Assembly reload time (1323490)
Asset Bundles: Synchronous Asset Loading Does Not Correctly Load Preload Dependencies (1321141)
Linux: Linux Editor crashes at «_XFreeX11XCBStructure» when loading tutorials (1323204)
Asset Importers: [Performance Regression] Importing an fbx model is noticeably slower when the model contains Animations (1265275)
Terrain: Crash on TreeRenderer::WillRenderTrees when being in Play Mode for several seconds (1317966)
IMGUI: Contents of a ModalUtility window are invisible when it is launched from a Unity Context Menu (1313636)
Global Illumination: Reflection probes doesn’t contain indirect scene lighting after the on-demand GI bake from the Lighting window (1324246)
Packman: User can’t easily configure location of both UPM and Asset Store package local cache (1317232)
Serialization: Crash in SerializedProperty::IsValid when reordering a SerializedProperty list (1320319)
Global Illumination: [GPUPLM] Crash in RadeonRaysMeshManager::RemoveGeometry while baking Terrain game object with 4k lightmaps on certain GPU (1255993)
Terrain: Terrain Lit Opacity as Density option causes alpha’d areas on the 5th layer or greater to appear with artifacts (1283124)
Global Illumination: Wintermute::Geometry::Verify errors are spammed when baking a Mesh with Mesh Compression set to Medium/High (1319133)
Cloth: Cloth is broken when parent GameObject scale is lower than 1 and Surface Penetration constraints are set 0 (1319488)
XR: OpenXR + URP + UWP rendering stuck (1323833)
MacOS: [macOS] «build is damaged and cannot be opened» error when downloading Unity build from internet (1323501)
Packman: Package Manager incorrectly shows that there are no packages in a new project (1319205)
Scripting: Crashes on mono_class_init when entering Play Mode after recompiling scripts (1262671)
Asset Importers: Wintermute::Geometry::Verify errors are spammed when baking a Mesh with Mesh Compression set to Medium/High (1313968)
2D: [URP] The Camera renders black screen when Post Processing is enabled in the 2D Renderer and in the Camera Component (1318500)
Polybrush: [PolyBrush] Something went wrong saving brush settings Warning is thrown when Saving a Brush after opening the PolyBrush Window (1315475)
2021.1.2f1 Release Notes
Graphics: Add control to independently clear stencil buffer in CommandBuffer api.
Scripting: CompiliationPipeline.GetAssemblies will now correctly include Roslyn analyzers in ScriptCompilerOptions.
XR: Removed «Preview» text from UI display element.
API Changes
Graphics: Added: New API functions with no side effects in DynamicResolutionHandler, to retrieve resolved drs scale and to apply DRS on a size.
Graphics: Added: New API in DynamicResolutionHandler to handle multicamera rendering for hardware mode. Changing cameras and resetting scaling per camera should be safe.
HDRP: Updated Wizard to better handle RenderPipelineAsset in Quality Settings
Package: Updates com.unity.cinemachine to 2.7.3
Shadergraph: Fixed a bug where property deduplication was failing and spamming errors (1317809)
Timeline: Updated Timeline package to version 1.5.4.
XR: The Oculus XR Plugin package has been updated to 1.9.0.
Animation: Fixed issue where Timeline would stay stuck after going to Play Mode. (1315060)
Asset Import: Fixed issue where OnAssignedMaterialModel is not called for meshes that get a default material assigned. (1307374)
Asset Pipeline: : Fixed asset that could get reported when projectsetting.asset file is modified directly. (1270162)
Build Pipeline: Fixed excessive garbage collection occurring during the build process. (1318468)
Editor: Fixed «Lightmap Static» being displayed instead of «Contribute GI» in the editor Static flags dropdown. (1298221)
Editor: Fixed «TLS Allocator» error when using Asset Store Tools. (1303631)
Editor: Fixed for Window with ‘hasUnsavedChanges’ set to true not being saved when closed with Middle Mouse Button. (1307671)
Editor: Fixed IsArrayReorderable method producing errors in Reflect package (1321782)
Editor: Fixed multi-target ReorderableLists that have more than the maximum allowed multi-edit number of elements appearing as empty (1317103)
Editor: Fixed ReorderableList allocating memory when getting multi-target array size (1297993)
Editor: Fixed reordering lists with Gradient elements being visually outdated after reorder (1315679)
Editor: On Windows, a maximized instance of Unity on a second, lower resolution display will now remain maximized on that display when the Editor is restarted. (1314966)
Editor: Removed EditorGUIUtility.GetSkinnedIcon and EditorGUIUtility.GetSkinnedIconForDpi to fix unloading of unused textures. Moved part of the implementation in C++ while keeping the features provided by the removed functions. (1308097)
Editor: Using an unsupported keyCode in a shortcut attribute no longer throws any exceptions. (1303144)
GI: Fixed a null pointer bug in graphics bindings. (1310875)
GI: Fixed progressive updates not working for the first bake of an editor session. (1300926)
Graphics: Calculating correct rtHandleScale by considering the possible pixel rounding when DRS is on
Graphics: First Material data is used for Shadowmap rendering when using multiple Materials with the same Shader and different properties (1304644)
Graphics: Fix for async texture deletion to make sure graphics commands have completed first. (1280073)
Graphics: Scissor test was automatically disabled when changing render-targets. It is not the case anymore and is consistent with other platforms.
HDRP: Fixed missing Update in Wizard’s DXR Documentation
HDRP: Fixed multicamera rendering for Dynamic Resolution Scaling using dx12 hardware mode. Using a planar reflection probe (another render camera) should be safe.
HDRP: Fixed pixelated appearance of Contrast Adaptive Sharpen upscaler and several other issues when Hardware DRS is on
IMGUI: Fixed an issue where clearing search field using ‘x’ button does not register changed event. (1306036)
iOS: Fixed a UnityWebRequest issue that caused freezing on background/resume when the device is offline. (1315244)
iOS: Fixed FixedUpdate being called on startup more times than should be to account for Time.deltaTime on first Update. (1318647)
Particles: Fixed incorrect error check in SetParticles that would cause an exception to be thrown when the offset value was equal or greater than the particles array length. (1313413)
Physics: Ensure that a Kinematic Rigidbody2D continues to accept MovePosition and/or MoveRotation commands when nested as a child of another Rigidbody2D. (1320783)
Physics: Fixed Collision.relativeVelocity being calculated incorrectly when an ArticulationBody was part of the contact pair. (1310485)
Scene Manager: This change prevents Unity from crashing when the asset of the current opened scene has been deleted, a new scene asset is imported, with same GUID, and the user chooses «reload». (1309393)
Scripting: Fixed Filename/Line extraction in logs not working correctly in some edge cases. (1300479)
Scripting: Fixed a problem when adding UI Toolkit pkg to a project where a scripted imported from the pkg would get rejected and exceptions would be reported to the user. (1269167)
Scripting: Fixed ScriptUpdater crash when Editor is installed in a folder with spaces in the path. (1309831)
Serialization: Fixed regression where Event code could be stripped from build when using il2cpp. (1301147)
Services: Fixed a bug where the crash reporting symbol uploader process would crash on Apple M1 hardware.
Services: Fixed a bug where the crash reporting symbol uploader process would crash on parsing certain dSYM files.
Shaders: Fixed #pragma once directive not working correctly with the caching preprocessor (1322879)
Shaders: Fixed a rare crash when upgrading shaders. (1299790)
Shaders: Fixed incorrect code generated by HLSLcc for textureQueryLod GLSL function (1314040)
Shaders: Fixed incorrect line numbers reported for errors in shader files when using Caching preprocessor (1318689)
Shaders: Fixed shader compilation regression on Win 7 (1318359)
Shaders: Fixed shader keyword overflow when doing a build (1297800)
Shaders: Fixed sprites using default sprite material not rendering in the Editor when build target is set to console (1318066)
Timeline: Fixed error message when playing an audio track from its last sample. (1319163)
Video: Calling VideoPlayer.Prepare and VideoPlayer.StepForward produces a frame on a Render Texture (1318270)
WebGL: Added support for detecting Chrome and Firefox browsers on iOS devices. Fixes an issue that Chrome and Firefox browsers would fail to load on iOS 14.4. (1316861)
WebGL: Changed behavior of Application.OpenURL() for the WebGL platform to open an URL in a new browser tab instead of opening the URL in the current browser tab and thus navigating away. (1320393)
Windows: Setting a custom cursor now respects Windows DPI and Ease of Access settings related to the cursor size. (1305480)
XR: Always disable optimized frame pacing when using XR. (1288764)
XR: Fixed rect used by scissor test on Vulkan (1203183)
XR: Fixed URP Vulkan shows low perf on stress test when running development build. (1299445)
XR: Updated XR Interaction Toolkit to 1.0.0-pre.3.