чиби дино в арк для чего нужны
Полезные питомцы в ARK – ID динозавров и прочих существ
Автор: Julia · 12 апреля, 2018
Динозавры и другие существа в игре необходимы. Их можно уничтожать, но некоторые виды намного выгоднее приручать и использовать для фарма или охоты. Какие динозавры выгодны игроку в качестве питомцев и кого стоит приручить обязательно? Мы собрали подробности про ID динозавров в ARK
ID динозавров в ARK Survival Evolved: самые полезные существа игры
Искать нужных существ по всему миру ARK не очень удобно. Поэтому можно воспользоваться чит-кодом, чтобы нужный динозавр или другая тварь появились рядом с игроком.
Сначала нужно будет открыть консоль и ввести туда консольную команду EnableCheats. Она активирует использование чит-кодов в ARK. После чего можно заняться непосредственно призывом динозавра или другого животного.
Например, для Аллозавра в локальной игре ARK Survival Evolved она будет выглядеть так:
cheat summon Allo_Character_BP_C
Если же игра проходит на онлайн-сервере, то призвать его можно будет командой:
admincheat summon Allo_Character_BP_C
Таким образом можно вызвать большинство динозавров и прочих тварей. Но кого же стоит приманивать в ARK в первую очередь?
Тираннозавр (Rex_Character_BP_C) – большой и уронистый динозавр. Идеален для любых целей – быстро бегает, много переносит, легко убивает соперников. Именно стаю Тираннозавров чаще всего берут в рейд на боссов. А наличие тек-седла делает его опасным для любой твари.
Гиганотозавр (Gigant_Character_BP_C) – машина для убийств всего, что шевелится. Огромное значение здоровья и урона. Ломает камень и чужие постройки. Идеален для рейдов племенами в ARK Survival Evolved.
Птеранодон (Ptero_Character_BP_C) – хороший летун с низкими характеристиками. Самый быстрый и маневренный. Но без наездника ничего из себя не представляет.
Кетцаль (Quetz_Character_BP_C) – летун с огромной выносливостью, настоящая летучая крепость. На него есть платформа, поэтому можно создать на Кетцале мобильную крепость и перемещаться по всему миру.
Дунклеостей (Dunkle_Character_BP_C) – плавун с хорошим запасом жизни и урона. Превосходно подходит для добычи нефти и обсидиана из глубоководных источников. Неплохо собирает подводные камни. Уничтожает Ракоскорпионов с легкостью и получает из них Черный жемчуг. Хорошее подводное существо для фарма ресурсов.
Анкилозавр (Ankylo_Character_BP_C) – динозавр, который будучи прирученным собирает ресурсы в горах. С помощью Анкилозавра очень легко набрать много металла, кремня, кристаллов и т.д. Чуть хуже собирает камень, ягоды, нефть, и обсидиан. Идеален для сбора редких грибов, цветов,
Дедикурус (Doed_Character_BP_C) – чуть хуже, чем Анкилозавр, собирает металл и кремень. Но зато превосходен в фарме камня и обсидиана. С кустов и деревьев способен получать солому и дерево. Может сам собирать ресурсы при блуждании.
Ахатина (Achatina_Character_BP_C) – казалось бы, простенькая и совершенно бесполезная улитка. Но она – прекрасный производитель Пасты ахатины, очень важного ресурса. Дело в том, что эта паста может стать заменителем Цемента, столь необходимого в игре. Производит по 100 единиц за час.
Мосхопс (Moschops_Character_BP_C) – млекопитающее, которое честно заслужило право находиться в списке самых полезных существ. Он уникален тем, что его можно натаскать на поиски любого редкого ресурса. При включенном блуждании занимается собирательством. Способен выкусывать даже первосортное мясо из трупов и собирать органические полимеры.
Свирепый медведь (Direbear_Character_BP_C) – быстрый, универсальный зверь с неплохим уроном и живучестью. Способен переносить довольно много предметов. При этом собирает много ягод и мяса, в том числе и первосортного. Работает как изолятор от окружающей среды – рядом с ним не бывает холодно или жарко.
Прочие существа ARK Survival Evolved
Пелагорнис (Pela_Character_BP_C) – эта разновидность чайки из ARK Survival Evolved питается исключительно рыбой. Но это не мешает ей нападать на пингвинов и вытягивать из их тел органические полимеры. Пелагорнис добывает этот ресурс эффективнее всех прочих способов. Но много он на себе не унесет, если не прокачать ему соответствующие параметры. Имеет повышенный урон в сторону Пираний, Латимерий и Саблезубых лососей.
Ark чиби дино что это
Chibi-Pets are a type of Item added in ARK: Winter Wonderland 4, appearing in other Events since.
Chibi-Pets can be leveled up five times by killing certain predators while having the pet equipped. Each level up permanently increases the maximum level by 1 (up to 5 extra levels) of the survivor who’s got the chibi equipped at the time of a level-up. The following creatures award Experience to the Chibi-Pets:
Received experience only scales with game-wide XP multipliers, and is not affected by the Explorer Notes buff.
Chibi-Pets are items and will not appear in your inventory after you die. They will be left in the corpse or bag where you died. An exception to this is the Chibi-Noglin, which will always appear in your inventory upon respawn as long as you own the Genesis Season Pass. Keep in mind, however, that this new Chibi is just that: new. It will be at level one, with no experience.
Notes [ ]
Experience Requirements [ ]
Level | XP needed | XP total |
1 | 30000 | 30000 |
2 | 105000 | 135000 |
3 | 405000 | 540000 |
4 | 465000 | 1005000 |
5 | 1020000 | 2025000 |
Note: Alpha Raptor level 100 equals 5777 ChibiXP on SP/Rental.
Although Ragnaroks Iceworm Queen counts as an Alpha Deathworm, she grants no ChibiXP.
Ark чиби дино что это
Chibis were from 2 events: Xmas and then again at valentines day.
There are thus 3 methods of getting them at the moment depending on your play choices:
1. Have someone give you 1.
2. If playing in single player: enable the xmas or valentine’s event(recomended to use the valentines one since there is more involved in doing it with the xmas version and you’ll have to use spawn commands for present drops) using the launch parameter for that specific holiday.
3. If playing in single player, use admin commands to spawn a chibi for you.
7 мар. 2020 в 18:21 It was part of the Valentine event. You can’t get them anymore and I don’t know if someone can give you one, or not. I don’t know about Valguero but you can’t get them on the story maps. 7 мар. 2020 в 18:22 thank you for letting me know. do you wana join me on my world? i am looking for some one to play with and i am not to fond of public server because of to much people 7 мар. 2020 в 18:57 I want to do the thing for the implant and it wants a level 2 Chibi dino but i have never even herd of one much less see one the current map i am playing on is valagro are there any there or on the island only 2 maps i got that i know alot about
Chibis were from 2 events: Xmas and then again at valentines day.
There are thus 3 methods of getting them at the moment depending on your play choices:
1. Have someone give you 1.
2. If playing in single player: enable the xmas or valentine’s event(recomended to use the valentines one since there is more involved in doing it with the xmas version and you’ll have to use spawn commands for present drops) using the launch parameter for that specific holiday.
3. If playing in single player, use admin commands to spawn a chibi for you.
7 мар. 2020 в 19:02 thank you for the tips on how to get one and like i said to the last person that posted on this would you like to join me honestly i do not know how to do the event things and idk the command on how to spawn anything other then wood stone flint and fiber and alot of seeds 7 мар. 2020 в 19:07
there’s also mods. «Easy Chibi» is the one i use. You trade a few kibble for 1 random chibi.
GL getting them bud 😀 they even come with color variations ^_^
7 мар. 2020 в 19:12 7 мар. 2020 в 19:14
Might be worth noting, that currently due to event assets being removed last month, certain events might not work anymore on SP/Non-Dedicated and Dedicated.
As with valentine you needed to fish up special fish, that are no longer there because of said removed assets, and for x-mas raptor claus went missing after the event officialy ended.
So right now the only way to get Chibi’s, is via trading or cheating only, but i do suspect these are going to be more common during up comming events (or at least i hope).
7 мар. 2020 в 19:17 So all my question is ansured anyone that posted on this or isgoing to post on this wana join me ima do the eazy chibi mod or just cheat one in once i figer out how but i am looking for people to playwith i i hate public server cuz to many people 7 мар. 2020 в 19:18 thank you for the tips on how to get one and like i said to the last person that posted on this would you like to join me honestly i do not know how to do the event things and idk the command on how to spawn anything other then wood stone flint and fiber and alot of seeds
If you are playing in single player(you’re still not saying so we dont know,
Go to your steam library and right click Ark.
Then in the general table you’ll see launch parameters. Click that.
Then when you launch your single player game and you’re in it hit the tab button and type in this:
This should cause all the wild dinos to disappear from your single player game. Dont worry they’ll start to respawn slowly over time. This will put more dinos with the valentines colors AND the valentines day fish in the rivers lakes etc.
You want to catch the fish with the floating heats above their heads.
So you make a fishing pole, and you use bait (honey is the best but leech blood and some other things work too).
I recommend making a raft and setting a chair on the raft or two to fish from(you have to be seated to fish. Put the raft in an area with ALOT of fish. This will depend on the map you play on of course.
I dont recommend making a dock or similar to fish from because constructing such will build over spawn nodes and prevent as many fish as possible from respawning.
And and you just fish. Attach the bait and throw the line in and when a fish is hooked its a mini game of clicking one of the letter keys to reel in inch by inch. Once you get the hang of the timing of that it pretty eash.
When you reel in valentines fish they’ll aware you randomly with candies or chibi pets.
Then to level the chibi pets you have to equip it and kill alpha predators.
List of Chibi-Pets [ ]
Chibi-Pets may refer to:
Rarity [ ]
When obtaining a chibi, you have roughly an 89% chance of receiving a chibi from the common list, a 10% chance of receiving a chibi from the uncommon list, 0.4% chance for one from the rare list, 0.1% chance from the very rare list, and a 0.09% chance of receiving a chibi from the legendary list.
Since the start of ARK: 5th Anniversary, colors of Chibi-Pet icons are denoted by their rarity, similar to Supply Crates.
Common [ ]
Icons of all common Chibi-Pets have a green background.
Uncommon [ ]
Icons of all uncommon Chibi-Pets have a blue background.
Icons of all rare Chibi-Pets have a purple background.
Very Rare [ ]
Icons of all very rare Chibi-Pets have a yellow background.
Legendary [ ]
Icons of all legendary Chibi-Pets have a red background.
Obtaining [ ]
These ways of obtaining are generalized according to their main event. Years may differ, but their method of obtaining are generally the same.
ARK: Winter Wonderland [ ]
Most chibis can only be found from Presents dropped by Raptor Claus, or from the regular Gacha Crystals dropped by GachaClaus. Specific type of Chibis can only be obtained from either of the two.
ARK: Love Evolved [ ]
ARK: Eggcellent Adventure [ ]
Eggs from wild bunny Dodos can be placed and cracked. Cracking an egg has a 20% chance to drop a Chibi-Pet. This can only happen during the event and eggs saved for when the event is over will not have this option.
ARK: 5th Anniversary [ ]
Cakes found from harvesting from dead Party Dodo can be used in a Cooking Pot as a recipe for crafting random Chibi-Pets.
ARK: Summer Bash [ ]
Random Chibi-Pets may be crafted in a Cooking Pot from 10 Prime Meat Jerky.
ARK: Fear Evolved [ ]
Random Chibi-Pets may either be found from remains of killed Dodorex or Dodo Wyvern, or crafted with 5 Pumpkin.
ARK: Turkey Trial [ ]
Recycling [ ]
4 Chibi-Pets can be smelted in a Refining Forge to craft 1 random Chibi-Pet. Rarity are random, and does not account for what rarity of chibis are being smelted.
Ark чиби дино что это
Эта публикация удалена, так как она нарушает рекомендации по поведению и контенту в Steam. Её можете видеть только вы. Если вы уверены, что публикацию удалили по ошибке, свяжитесь со службой поддержки Steam.
Этот предмет несовместим с ARK: Survival Evolved. Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в ARK: Survival Evolved.
Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.
В результатах поиска этот предмет сможете видеть только вы, ваши друзья и администраторы.
DLC Requirements [ ]
Some Chibi requires paid DLC installed to be used. This excludes Genesis: Part 1 Chibis or Chibis related to creature exclusive to free DLC maps.
Scorched Earth [ ]
Aberration [ ]
Chibi-Light Pets emit radial charge light in an area much smaller than their regular counterparts. Moreover, these are for visual aesthetic, and does not affect charge-weakened creatures like Reaper and Nameless.
Extinction [ ]
Genesis: Part 2 [ ]
Re-rolling [ ]
4 chibi pets can be sacrificed in a stone forge (not an industrial forge) to get 1 new random chibi. This can be used to try to obtain rare chibis.
“ | Earn XP from Alpha creature kills when equipped, to increase its level and earn additional max-levels for your Survivor! | „ |
This article is about content exclusively available in the version on Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, Epic Games, Stadia. |
The Chibi-Voidwyrm is a legendary Chibi-Pet introduced in ARK: Survival Evolved‘s ARK: Summer Bash 2021, and available in every event since.
Overview [ ]
Chibi-Pets can be leveled up five times by killing certain predators while having the pet equipped. Each level up permanently increases the maximum level by 1 (up to 5 extra levels) of the survivor who’s got the chibi equipped at the time of a level-up. The following creatures award Experience to the Chibi-Pets:
Received experience only scales with game-wide XP multipliers, and is not affected by the Explorer Notes buff.
Chibi-Pets are items and will not appear in your inventory after you die. They will be left in the corpse or bag where you died.
Obtaining [ ]
For general info about obtaining chibis see Chibi-Pets.
This article is about content exclusively available in the version on Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, Epic Games, Stadia. |
“ | Earn XP from Alpha creature kills when equipped, to increase its level and earn additional max-levels for your Survivor! | „ |
The Chibi-Broodmother is a Chibi-Pet introduced in ARK: Survival Evolved‘s ARK: Turkey Trial 4, and available in every event since.
Overview [ ]
Chibi-Pets can be leveled up five times by killing certain predators while having the pet equipped. Each level up permanently increases the maximum level by 1 (up to 5 extra levels) of the survivor who’s got the chibi equipped at the time of a level-up. The following creatures award Experience to the Chibi-Pets:
Received experience only scales with game-wide XP multipliers, and is not affected by the Explorer Notes buff.
Chibi-Pets are items and will not appear in your inventory after you die. They will be left in the corpse or bag where you died.
Obtaining [ ]
For general info about obtaining chibis see Chibi-Pets.
Ark чиби дино что это
Chibi-Pets are a type of Item added in ARK: Winter Wonderland 4, appearing in other Events since.
Chibi-Pets can be leveled up five times by killing certain predators while having the pet equipped. Each level up permanently increases the maximum level by 1 (up to 5 extra levels) of the survivor who’s got the chibi equipped at the time of a level-up. The following creatures award Experience to the Chibi-Pets:
Received experience only scales with game-wide XP multipliers, and is not affected by the Explorer Notes buff.
Chibi-Pets are items and will not appear in your inventory after you die. They will be left in the corpse or bag where you died. An exception to this is the Chibi-Noglin, which will always appear in your inventory upon respawn as long as you own the Genesis Season Pass. Keep in mind, however, that this new Chibi is just that: new. It will be at level one, with no experience.
Notes [ ]
Experience Requirements [ ]
Level | XP needed | XP total |
1 | 30000 | 30000 |
2 | 105000 | 135000 |
3 | 405000 | 540000 |
4 | 465000 | 1005000 |
5 | 1020000 | 2025000 |
Note: Alpha Raptor level 100 equals 5777 ChibiXP on SP/Rental.
Although Ragnaroks Iceworm Queen counts as an Alpha Deathworm, she grants no ChibiXP.
Ark чиби дино что это
Chibis were from 2 events: Xmas and then again at valentines day.
There are thus 3 methods of getting them at the moment depending on your play choices:
1. Have someone give you 1.
2. If playing in single player: enable the xmas or valentine’s event(recomended to use the valentines one since there is more involved in doing it with the xmas version and you’ll have to use spawn commands for present drops) using the launch parameter for that specific holiday.
3. If playing in single player, use admin commands to spawn a chibi for you.
7 мар. 2020 в 18:21 It was part of the Valentine event. You can’t get them anymore and I don’t know if someone can give you one, or not. I don’t know about Valguero but you can’t get them on the story maps. 7 мар. 2020 в 18:22 thank you for letting me know. do you wana join me on my world? i am looking for some one to play with and i am not to fond of public server because of to much people 7 мар. 2020 в 18:57 I want to do the thing for the implant and it wants a level 2 Chibi dino but i have never even herd of one much less see one the current map i am playing on is valagro are there any there or on the island only 2 maps i got that i know alot about
Chibis were from 2 events: Xmas and then again at valentines day.
There are thus 3 methods of getting them at the moment depending on your play choices:
1. Have someone give you 1.
2. If playing in single player: enable the xmas or valentine’s event(recomended to use the valentines one since there is more involved in doing it with the xmas version and you’ll have to use spawn commands for present drops) using the launch parameter for that specific holiday.
3. If playing in single player, use admin commands to spawn a chibi for you.
7 мар. 2020 в 19:02 thank you for the tips on how to get one and like i said to the last person that posted on this would you like to join me honestly i do not know how to do the event things and idk the command on how to spawn anything other then wood stone flint and fiber and alot of seeds 7 мар. 2020 в 19:07
there’s also mods. «Easy Chibi» is the one i use. You trade a few kibble for 1 random chibi.
GL getting them bud 😀 they even come with color variations ^_^
7 мар. 2020 в 19:12 7 мар. 2020 в 19:14
Might be worth noting, that currently due to event assets being removed last month, certain events might not work anymore on SP/Non-Dedicated and Dedicated.
As with valentine you needed to fish up special fish, that are no longer there because of said removed assets, and for x-mas raptor claus went missing after the event officialy ended.
So right now the only way to get Chibi’s, is via trading or cheating only, but i do suspect these are going to be more common during up comming events (or at least i hope).
7 мар. 2020 в 19:17 So all my question is ansured anyone that posted on this or isgoing to post on this wana join me ima do the eazy chibi mod or just cheat one in once i figer out how but i am looking for people to playwith i i hate public server cuz to many people 7 мар. 2020 в 19:18 thank you for the tips on how to get one and like i said to the last person that posted on this would you like to join me honestly i do not know how to do the event things and idk the command on how to spawn anything other then wood stone flint and fiber and alot of seeds
If you are playing in single player(you’re still not saying so we dont know,
Go to your steam library and right click Ark.
Then in the general table you’ll see launch parameters. Click that.
Then when you launch your single player game and you’re in it hit the tab button and type in this:
This should cause all the wild dinos to disappear from your single player game. Dont worry they’ll start to respawn slowly over time. This will put more dinos with the valentines colors AND the valentines day fish in the rivers lakes etc.
You want to catch the fish with the floating heats above their heads.
So you make a fishing pole, and you use bait (honey is the best but leech blood and some other things work too).
I recommend making a raft and setting a chair on the raft or two to fish from(you have to be seated to fish. Put the raft in an area with ALOT of fish. This will depend on the map you play on of course.
I dont recommend making a dock or similar to fish from because constructing such will build over spawn nodes and prevent as many fish as possible from respawning.
And and you just fish. Attach the bait and throw the line in and when a fish is hooked its a mini game of clicking one of the letter keys to reel in inch by inch. Once you get the hang of the timing of that it pretty eash.
When you reel in valentines fish they’ll aware you randomly with candies or chibi pets.
Then to level the chibi pets you have to equip it and kill alpha predators.
List of Chibi-Pets [ ]
Chibi-Pets may refer to:
Rarity [ ]
When obtaining a chibi, you have roughly an 89% chance of receiving a chibi from the common list, a 10% chance of receiving a chibi from the uncommon list, 0.4% chance for one from the rare list, 0.1% chance from the very rare list, and a 0.09% chance of receiving a chibi from the legendary list.
Since the start of ARK: 5th Anniversary, colors of Chibi-Pet icons are denoted by their rarity, similar to Supply Crates.
Common [ ]
Icons of all common Chibi-Pets have a green background.
Uncommon [ ]
Icons of all uncommon Chibi-Pets have a blue background.
Icons of all rare Chibi-Pets have a purple background.
Very Rare [ ]
Icons of all very rare Chibi-Pets have a yellow background.
Legendary [ ]
Icons of all legendary Chibi-Pets have a red background.
Obtaining [ ]
These ways of obtaining are generalized according to their main event. Years may differ, but their method of obtaining are generally the same.
ARK: Winter Wonderland [ ]
Most chibis can only be found from Presents dropped by Raptor Claus, or from the regular Gacha Crystals dropped by GachaClaus. Specific type of Chibis can only be obtained from either of the two.
ARK: Love Evolved [ ]
ARK: Eggcellent Adventure [ ]
Eggs from wild bunny Dodos can be placed and cracked. Cracking an egg has a 20% chance to drop a Chibi-Pet. This can only happen during the event and eggs saved for when the event is over will not have this option.
ARK: 5th Anniversary [ ]
Cakes found from harvesting from dead Party Dodo can be used in a Cooking Pot as a recipe for crafting random Chibi-Pets.
ARK: Summer Bash [ ]
Random Chibi-Pets may be crafted in a Cooking Pot from 10 Prime Meat Jerky.
ARK: Fear Evolved [ ]
Random Chibi-Pets may either be found from remains of killed Dodorex or Dodo Wyvern, or crafted with 5 Pumpkin.
ARK: Turkey Trial [ ]
Recycling [ ]
4 Chibi-Pets can be smelted in a Refining Forge to craft 1 random Chibi-Pet. Rarity are random, and does not account for what rarity of chibis are being smelted.
Ark чиби дино что это
Эта публикация удалена, так как она нарушает рекомендации по поведению и контенту в Steam. Её можете видеть только вы. Если вы уверены, что публикацию удалили по ошибке, свяжитесь со службой поддержки Steam.
Этот предмет несовместим с ARK: Survival Evolved. Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в ARK: Survival Evolved.
Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.
В результатах поиска этот предмет сможете видеть только вы, ваши друзья и администраторы.
DLC Requirements [ ]
Some Chibi requires paid DLC installed to be used. This excludes Genesis: Part 1 Chibis or Chibis related to creature exclusive to free DLC maps.
Scorched Earth [ ]
Aberration [ ]
Chibi-Light Pets emit radial charge light in an area much smaller than their regular counterparts. Moreover, these are for visual aesthetic, and does not affect charge-weakened creatures like Reaper and Nameless.
Extinction [ ]
Genesis: Part 2 [ ]
Re-rolling [ ]
4 chibi pets can be sacrificed in a stone forge (not an industrial forge) to get 1 new random chibi. This can be used to try to obtain rare chibis.